
The Left Has Become What They Hated

Portfolio Armor's Photo
by Portfolio Armor
Sunday, Aug 20, 2023 - 1:57
George W Bush

The War On Terror Comes Home

Those who get their news from the mainstream media are probably unaware that the FBI killed two Americans in home raids within the last two weeks. First, they killed a man in Utah who had made some ill-advised, but most likely unserious threats against President Biden on Facebook. 

This meme was shared in response by some. 


And then, this past week, the FBI killed someone else, 

The Left Has Become What They Claimed To Hate

The same Democrats who opposed George W. Bush's War on Terror in the Middle East, now apparently have no qualms about the War on Terror coming to Middle America. That point was made in the excellent thread below, by our friend Lafayette Lee. 

The inflexibility Lee mentions above has opened a lane for Vivek Ramaswamy. We'll see how far he can take it. 

In Case You Missed It

In our previous post, we wrote about a biotech lottery ticket

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