
The Trends Driving The Gold Price Right Now

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by GoldCore
Friday, Mar 15, 2024 - 16:13

We've got something a bit different for you this week. We bring you the first new look GoldCore podcast, and I've persuaded two other precious metal fans (including GoldCore Chairman Stephen Flood) to join me! For the inaugural episode we look at five trends driving the gold price, right now.

The gold price recently hit new highs but we can't help thinking that there's more to come. With this in mind we picked five topics to discuss, including rising geopolitical risks such as tensions in China and the Middle East, the impact of rising US debt and inflation, and why central banks and investors are increasing gold reserves as a hedge.

And listen out for why the gold price may decouple further from interest rates and benefit from a changing global economic landscape. Panda-monium in China, central bank hypocrisy, the start of World War III - there's so much here but no doubt there's even more we could have covered. So let us know if there's anything we missed, or anything you didn't agree with us on - pop it in the comments or email us. 

We'd especially love to know if, after watching this, you've changed your views on the gold price? Do you think the price of gold has further to go?

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