
Would The Election Of Kamala Harris Be The End Of America?

Portfolio Armor's Photo
by Portfolio Armor
Saturday, Aug 03, 2024 - 13:34
A mixed race woman Vice President sees off an elderly white President from the White House.

The Betting Favorite To Win The White House

Thanks in part to the media's full court press on her behalf, Vice President Kamala Harris is now the betting favorite to win the White House on PredictIt. 

In a recent X thread, Ryan Selkis laid out why he thinks a President Kamala Harris would be the end of America. I've posted his thread in full below. Following that, we'll close with a brief note about the current market meltdown. 

The End Of America? 

Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Now on to the current market meltdown. 

Managing The Market Meltdown 

Here's the game plan we've been following with our subscribers: 

  1. If you’re concerned about downside risk for positions you already own, consider hedging. As a reminder, you can download our iPhone hedging app here, or by aiming your iPhone camera at the QR code below.


  2. We’ll use up days to add short positions, and down days to add long positions, when we surface compelling ideas.

We took advantage of the ~10% drops in some compelling ideas on Friday to place trades on them. You can read about those here

And if you want a heads up when we place our next trade, feel free to subscribe to our trading Substack/occasional email list below. 


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