
Enter the 5d Reality of the Field

DeRisk's Photo
by DeRisk
Friday, Nov 01, 2024 - 17:20

If you prefer to watch a video you can do so here.

There is a field of energy from which everything arises.  This includes cars, galaxies and your toothbrush. 

Scientists call it the Zero Point Field or just the field for short.

Imagine what life would be like if you were able to influence this field by your thought alone?

In fact you can.

Every man and woman has the innate ability to consciously interact with the field in order to influence the outcomes they desire.

The ability to do so creates what people call 5d reality.

For example between 2007 and 2010 1,725 meditators in Fairfield Iowa interacted with the field and reduced the US urban crime rate by 28.4%.

Crime scene

But if we all have this ability why do more of us not use it?

In the short phase 1 videos of the Troubles Away program you discover how during cataclysmic upheavals around 1,500 B.C. we fell into an illusion and lost contact with the field.

Earth and venus collide

Some call this illusion The Matrix. The Buddha called it Samsara.  For the last 3,500 years for most men and women it is a place of slavery pain and suffering.

Most are not even aware of their prison.

For those who are aware there appears no escape.

Until now.

My experience is that conditions in the field are changing so that the illusion finds it increasingly difficult to sustain itself. 

Each day it becomes easier to reconnect with the field that is the loving, intelligent Source of all there is.

But how can this be done?

The physical and mental toxicity of the illusion is held in the body.  So in the phase 2 videos you learn how men and women are healing themselves of practically any disease to live again in vibrant health.

As your body detoxes phase 3 videos then connect you back into the field by teaching how to create mini fields of Mer Ka Bah around the person, thing or event you wish to influence. 

The process is both empowering and deeply satisfying. 

As soon as you demonstrate to yourself you really can manifest in this way your life begins to look and feel very different.

Congratulations. You have made the shift from theory to experience.

You now know you can consciously interact with the field to influence specific outcomes in your life, for those you care for most and indeed the world.

You are creating 5d reality.

If 1% of men and women on earth consciously interacted with the field each day what would the earth look like?  If you are ready let one of them be you.




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