
Switzerland Achieves Highest Deportation Rate In Europe In 2024

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden

Via Remix News,

Switzerland is excelling at removing immigrants slated for deportation, achieving the highest rate in Europe in 2024 with a 60 percent deportation rate and boosting its own progress by 18 percent over 2023.

In total, Switzerland was able to remove 7,000 asylum seekers in 2024, said Beat Jans, the federal councilor responsible for asylum, while speaking at the WEF.

When asked how Switzerland was so successful at returns, Jans said it was by working better with the cantons, which is the term for federal states of Switzerland, according to Swiss outlet RTS.

Jans said it was a “good development” and praised the work of the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM), which is responsible for obtaining the necessary documents to ensure speedy returns.

Nevertheless, Jans said that pressure on the cantons remains high, even with the high rate of returns. He said he wants to further develop agreements between different countries to ensure deportations can occur.

Fewer refugees are arriving in Switzerland because we have negotiated better agreements with transit countries, but also with countries of origin to ensure that fewer people put themselves in danger by fleeing. This is a path that Switzerland has paved with its 66 migration agreements. This is a good thing for the people concerned, but also for us as a country,” explained Jans.

According to the Swiss newspaper Aargauer Zeitung, many of those returned went back to Algeria, which Switzerland signed a readmission agreement with in 2006.

Now, the Swiss parliament is pushing for an agreement with Morocco, which could boost Switzerland’s rate even higher.

Other countries like Germany and France feature an abysmal deportation rate. As Remix News has previously reported, France’s decoration rate hovers between 8 and 15 percent, despite promises from French President Emmanuel Macron to achieve a 100 percent deportation rate. In some cases, such as Algeria, France has only managed to deport 0.2 percent of the migrants slated for deportation.

In the case of Germany, after each new terrorist attack in recent months, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has claimed that the government would get “serious” about deportations; however, deportations are still not happening and murders keep piling up, including the stabbing deaths this week of a 2-year-old boy and a 41-year-old man in Bavaria while they were out in a park with a kindergarten group. Other members of the group, aged between one and three, were also stabbed.

The deportation rate is so abysmal, and Scholz’s refrain becoming so tired, that even German state media, which is known for its friendly coverage of the left-liberal ruling government, is beginning to question Scholz’s ability to get mass migration under control.

Notably, the left-liberal government has blocked all deportations to countries like Afghanistan, arguing the country is too unsafe for people to be sent back there. Afghans have some of the highest crime rates in all of Germany and have been largely an integration failure.

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