
Commemorating National Missing Children's Day by Revisiting Conspiracy of Silence

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by blueapples
Thursday, May 25, 2023 - 17:49

It's been said that the way we treat the most vulnerable of us is the barometer by which we should judge out society. As far as that litmus test goes, I'd say we are failing pretty badly considering the amount of children that go missing each year, falling victim to human trafficking, institutionalized sexual abuse, etc. However, the indefatigable efforts of those who works selflessly to remedy one of the most terminal our our social ills far outshines the despair that is inextricably tied to this issue.

Today is National Missing Children's Day. I get that there's a national everything day and it sounds trite to make a holiday out of something like this but it's a problem worth examining each and everyday. However, that's a daunting task which will inevitably have a deleterious effect on one's mental health and well-being. As such, I believe it's worth observing this holiday in the interest of advancing the cause behind it.

If you have the means, please do what you can to combat child trafficking. Your time and attention are more valuable than anything you can give. Better acquainting ourselves with this issue so that it permeates from the repressed layers of our collective unconscious and enters into a social discourse that is front and center where it should be would save countless lives.

I do not have much of a platform but I'm grateful to be able to reach anyone who has read this. The best I can do in opening anyone's eyes is continue in my repeated attempts to bring the documentary Conspiracy of Silence to the attention of those who otherwise have not seen or heard about it.

As far as getting "red-pilled" goes, Conspiracy of Silence changed my worldview more than an documentary that I have every watched. In addition to conveying the dire state of this issue in a raw and resonating way, the documentary also exists as an artifact conveying how the inner machinations of institutionalized child sex abuse functions under the influence of the political elite. According to former FBI Field Director Ted Gunderson, the documentary was set to be aired on the discovery channel before it was canceled abruptly, reportedly under the directive of the Bush-era White House, which the documentary touches upon Paul Bonacci's testimony about Craig Spence as a central figure of the Regan-era call boy scandal as it was linked to the Franklin Credit Union child prostitution ring. The documentary includes testimony from former CIA Director William Colby, who succinctly surmises the intelligence communities responsibility in human and child trafficking when he tells his friend John DeCamp, one of the figures central to the legal battle following the Franklin Credit Union.

According to Gunderson, he requested a historic edition of TV Guide from the publisher to corroborate the production team's story that their documentary had been pulled from the air under duress of political pressure. When he reviewed the reprinted copy, it was nowhere to be found. Although this raised doubt in his mind, it dawned upon Gunderson that he could review local newspapers from the same timeframe to compare with TV Guide. When he did so, he say the documentary scheduled as mentioned by the production team behind it, meaning it was literally wiped from the history otherwise. Anecdotal as that story is, it serves as a reminder to how manufactured reality can be.

Independent of the subject matter, Conspiracy of Silence is epochs ahead of its time as far as illustrating how control of the media can cover-up the most important issues we face as a society. You won't enjoy it but it's a small price to pay to the cost of the perpetual ignorance that enables the crimes like those examined in the documentary.

Conspiracy of Silence

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