
California’s ‘Sanctuary State’ Governor Upset Migrants Sent Here for Sanctuary

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by 24Richie
Tuesday, Jun 06, 2023 - 17:50

California’s ‘Sanctuary State’ Governor Upset Migrants Were Sent Here for Sanctuary


In 2018, Newsom told President Trump: ‘California will remain a sanctuary state, and your attempt to intimidate will not stop us’


By Katy Grimes, June 6, 2023 7:56 am


California’s sanctuary state Governor Gavin Newsom and Attorney General Rob Bonta were quick to blame Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for Friday’s migrant flight into Sacramento, and then accused  Florida of “state-sanctioned kidnaping” for transporting migrants from the Texas border to a Sacramento church.

However, when he was still Lieutenant Governor, Newsom proudly declared and reaffirmed California’s sanctuary state status after the Trump Justice Department threatened to charge state or local officials who enforced sanctuary policies protecting illegal immigrants.

As California Lieutenant Governor, Newsom issued a warning to the Trump administration a Tweet. “Let me be clear, @realDonaldTrump: California is a sanctuary state. We believe in the power of diversity. We have defied and resisted the xenophobic, hateful policies of your administration at every turn. We will do it again.”

And he posted a video on Facebook saying, “California will remain a sanctuary state, and your attempt to intimidate will not stop us.”


So which is it Gov. Newsom – is California a Sanctuary State which welcomes illegal immigrants and releases them from custody? Or are you sending them back in disgust?

Is all of this bravado and bluster grandstanding for future Democrat voters? Newsom is clearly running for President, and Bonta has announced he wants to be the next California Governor.

As for the two flights into Sacramento, there still is uncertainty if Gov. Ron DeSantis is actually behind the flights. Thus far, all reports about the illegal immigrant planes appear to be speculation, and DeSantis is mum.

Governors DeSantis and Greg Abbott (Texas) have sent planes with illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities Chicago, New York, and Martha’s Vineyard to share in the housing and care of the migrants they claim to want sanctuary for.

Democrat President Joe Biden has called this movement of mostly Latin American migrants “playing politics with people’s lives” and said it is inhumane, especially in areas such as New York City, which have services brought to the brink already because of the migrant influx, the Globe reported Monday.

However, officials from Texas and Florida, including DeSantis, have fired back that “every community in America should be sharing in the burdens.”

The federal government has also sent secret flights full of illegal immigrants into Westchester, New York in the middle of the night, stirring controversy of their own:

Leaked video shows migrants being transported on secret charter flights under the cover of night from southern border states to Westchester, New York.

“The government is betraying the American people,” a federal contractor told a Westchester County police officer in a conversation recorded on the officer’s body camera on the tarmac of a Westchester airport on Aug. 13, 2021.

Westchester Police Sgt. Michael Hamborsky asked the contractor hired to transport migrants around the country why: “You know why. Because if this gets out, the government is betraying the American people,” the contractor said.

Gov. Newsom and Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg turned on the rhetoric claiming, ‘Human trafficking is not only despicable; it’s a felony. I urge authorities to investigate how 16 vulnerable people were lured from El Paso, to Sacramento. ” ‘Is there anything more cruel than using scared human beings to score cheap political points?'”

Both Steinberg and Newsom support open borders, and illegal immigration.

And it isn’t human trafficking or kidnapping to take illegals from a non-sanctuary state to a sanctuary state that claims to welcome them.

Rich with irony, Gov. Newsom has been releasing dangerous felons from state prisons, most of whom reoffend or end up living on the streets, addicted to meth and/or heroin.

Perhaps the most ironic Tweet summed up their hypocrisy best: “Lol yes you are not worried about them coming across the dessert and risking their lives but put them on a private jet and send them to your cities, now that’s a travesty.”


Katy Grimes


Katy Grimes, the Editor of the California Globe, is a long-time Investigative Journalist covering the California State Capitol, and the co-author of California's War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses?


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