
Stockholm's Deputy Mayor Dresses In Drag to Host Drag Queen Story Hour

blueapples's Photo
by blueapples
Saturday, Jun 17, 2023 - 13:57

While a progressive political agenda has overwhelming swept across the whole of the EU, perhaps no member state better embodies the ideology than Sweden. As the third largest member of the EU, Sweden's policy making has come to define the modern conception of the Scandinavian social democracy that so many progressives worldwide exalt as the moral paragon for the system of governance they advocate for. 
However, Sweden's long-running progressive agenda has not come without cost as rashes of violence between migrants and native Swedes have risen drastically over the last decade. This climaxed in a departure from the far left leadership of the country's government following elections in 2022 which put an opposition coalition of  right wing and centrist parties into the majority rule over the Riksdag. As is often the case in the wake of a crushing defeat in an election, leftists in Sweden who unabashedly praise the sanctity of democracy when it works in their favor have reframed their loss as a right wing assault that threatens the civil rights of marginalized groups across the country.

In the first "pride month" following the capitulation of Sweden's left wing parties, its progressive politicians have followed the standard globalist playbook of co-opting their nation's LGBT community as a political vehicle for their pervasive agenda. Jan Jönsson, the 45-year-old deputy mayor of Stockholm has taken the most visible position of any of his cohorts in this pursuit when he decided to dress in full drag and host his own drag queen story hour.

Stockholm's deputy mayor hosts drag queen story hour (c/o Robin Backman)

Jönsson decision to don a chintzy wig, caked on make up, red lip stick, high heels, and a dress was a self-described gesture of defiance against the left's eternal alt-right boogeyman. The right wing party Sweden Democrats has follow the tide of more a more tenable political climate for conservative values in the Nordic country to heap criticism upon Stockholm's initiative to host drag queen story hours at its public libraries. This initiative was quickly seized by Jönsson in an ostensibly desperate attempt to save face with the disenfranchised constituents of his political platform as a rallying cry meant to galvanize them in defense of supposed threats to their civil rights. "We have seen a worsening situation for LGBTQ persons in general, but against transsexual people specifically. And I think the right-wing movement is trying to use these drag queen story hours to get to the entire LGBTQ community," Jönsson opined.

The deputy mayor would go on to interject his own criticism into the US political sphere in response to several state-wide initiatives to prohibit controversial procedures aimed at children like hormone therapy. Many states have also passed legislation barring minors from drag shows. On its face, those measures appear to be in the interest of the safety and welfare of children which have garnered the support of the majority of each state's populous through their elected representatives. Yet, like another song off of a broken record, that right wing populism characterized as fascism by its political opponents, stoking fears that the United States is somehow on its way to becoming the next Third Reich. "I am very concerned that these types of movements will come from the United States" - where several states have recently passed laws banning drag events for children - "and not only this cultural outlet will be forbidden by law, but also more of our freedoms. And that's why I wanted to make my own drag protest." Jönsson demagogically declared in an aim to pathologically provoke the fears of his party's supporters.

While, Jönsson's performative demonstration was described as a self-avowed attempt to give visibility to LGBT Swedes who the deputy mayor believes are under attack by right wing politicians, the purely performative act does nothing to engage in a dialogue with those holding a contrary opinion. The superficial nature of that more aptly personifies the eroded state of representative democracy throughout the world, which has devolved into a polarized dichotomy of ideologues who merely shout over one another until the other side loses its breath. With that dynamic defining the supposed ideal version of leftist democracy as embodied by the vanguard of Scandanvia's social democratic model, it seems that the only thing about democracy its proponents are working toward is the wanton abandonment of it all together.

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