
Part 1: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of China's Silver Pricing Power

VBL's Photo
by VBL
Monday, Jun 19, 2023 - 13:04

This analysis, a breakdown and commentary of a nice section of IGWT's gold report while being about Silver as a monetary standard, is a lesson in history underscoring the interplay between global trade dynamics, monetary systems, and political events. That report is also available in our recent post;  PM GoldFix: "In Gold We Trust" and all about A.I.

This is part 1 of a 2 part piece about the Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of Chinese Silver Pricing Power

  1. History Repeating Itself: Exploring the Chinese Silver Standard
  2. Columbus Started It
  3. China Prefers Silver over Gold
  4. The Opium Wars and the Decline of China's Sovereignty
  5. Development of the Chinese Silver Standard
  6. Chinese Private Banks
  7. End of an Era
  8. What Made Western Fiat Work?
  9. Impact on China: Depression and the Rise of Mao
  10. History Rhyming Now?
  11. ***Early Draft, footnotes


1- History Repeating Itself: Exploring the Chinese Silver Standard

Authored by GoldFix

Mark Twain's famous words about history rhyming and not repeating itself echo the common sentiment that humans learn nothing from history. Nevertheless, it is always valuable to delve into the annals of the past.

The Long Shadow of Chinese Silver may soon  reach the West

This is particularly true in the case of the Chinese silver standard, which not only endured as one of the longest-existing coin standards but also successfully unfolded with minimal intervention from the Chinese government.Its origins can be traced to a development on the opposite side of the world: Christopher Columbus' (re)discovery of America in 1492, paving the way for Spain to rise as the first truly global power.

2- Columbus Started It

By the mid-16th century, the Spanish Empire had established the first global trade network. They brought silver from Mexico, Peru, and Chile across the Pacific to China, purchasing tea, porcelain, silk, and spices in return. The Manila Galleon served as the pivotal transshipment port, ferrying Chinese goods back to the east.

Kind of like what is happening now. We buy their goods, they buy our Silver and Gold...

Despite the Spanish trade system's demise in 1821 with Mexico's independence, its effects persisted through the establishment of the silver standard that endured well into the 20th century.


3- China Prefers Silver over Gold

During the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, China showed little interest in foreign goods. European products and those from European colonies overseas failed to capture the attention of the Chinese populace.

The Chinese were primarily interested in acquiring silver, which held a significantly higher relative value in their domestic economy compared to gold. The gold/silver ratio in China stood at 1:3, while in Europe, it fluctuated between 1:15 and 1:20. These European figures better reflected the natural distribution of gold and silver in the Earth's crust.

Why Silver is priced at 90 to 1 now given its industrial applications makes no sense. This will change again...

Europeans, however, were captivated by Chinese goods, particularly tea, silk, and porcelain. Spices, precious stones, and woods were also highly sought after. This created an imbalance in trade, with the Chinese amassing substantial surpluses while the Europeans, especially the Spanish and later the English, faced significant deficits vis-à-vis China.

The Spanish, buoyed by seemingly boundless silver mines in Mexico and Peru, supplied approximately half of the silver mined in the Americas from 1500 to 1821 to China. The British, however, found an unethical trade-balance solution in opium.

Meanwhile, the West wonders why Asia is reticent to permit free trade...

The British Empire's pursuit of this economic advantage, during the struggles of Central and South American countries for independence from Spain, significantly reduced silver mining and altered transpacific trade routes.


4- The Opium Wars and the Decline of China's Sovereignty

China responded to the rampant smuggling of foreign opium by aggressively cracking down on its illegal importation. While China did cultivate its own opium, mainly in the region of Guangzhou (Canton), the British Crown's monopoly in India enabled them to flood the market with vast quantities.

This created a social crisis in China, as addiction spread rapidly and its population faced an embarrassing and humiliating situation. China's attempts to curtail the opium trade ultimately led to the outbreak of the First Opium War (1839-1842), resulting in a British victory.

The Treaty of Nanjing in 1842 forced China to cede Hong Kong to the British, open up several ports to foreign trade, and grant extraterritorial rights to foreign residents...

Under the Treaty of Nanjing, signed on August 29, 1842, China agreed to open the five ports requested (Canton, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo, and Shanghai), pay an indemnity of 20 million silver dollars, abolish the Cohong monopoly that hitherto had controlled trade in and through Canton, and adhere to a fixed schedule of customs duties. Additionally, the British were granted the right to occupy Hong Kong in perpetuity (then); this was their sole outright territorial acquisition

These events marked the beginning of a new era in China's economic and political landscape. The influx of foreign goods disrupted local industries, and the trade imbalance only widened. The Chinese government struggled to find a solution to this crisis, leading to the eventual adoption of the Chinese silver standard to curtail outflows to the UK.


5- Development of the Chinese Silver Standard

The Chinese silver standard evolved gradually, largely untouched by state intervention. As silver flowed into the country, it formed the basis of China's monetary system. The Great Tax Reform implemented by Zhang Juzheng in 1581 officially recognized silver as the standard medium of exchange.

Silver Ingots of The Qing Dynasty...

While the Chinese silver standard existed for over three centuries, it lacked uniformity. The system relied on various coins and silver certificates, each with their own weights, shapes, and fineness. Foreign silver dollars, particularly those minted in the United States, therefore gained popularity due to  standardized specifications, making them widely accepted in Chinese trade.


6- Chinese Private Banks

China's banking system also differed significantly from its European counterparts. Private banks, rather than state-controlled institutions, played a crucial role in financing trade and facilitating economic activities.

Former Yikang Old-style Chinese Private Bank...

This also undermined monetary unity then. Incidentally, these private banks held considerable influence in the financial landscape and continued to play a significant role even in the early days of Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms in the late 1970s.


7- End of an Era

The Chinese silver standard, a monetary system that had stood the test of time for nearly 350 years, faced an abrupt and dramatic end in the early 20th century. This demise was largely influenced by external factors that significantly impacted China's monetary landscape. The external factors have one thing all in common. They represented then the rise of Global trade at the expense of Mercantilism and protectionist practices. The picture below shows how this trend has come full circle as Globalism recedes and Mercantilism (for all its faults) rises.  We have contested Mercantilism is the better choice for "neutral corner" trade now as a healthy reaction to abuse of global power right now. It is certainly preferable to no-trade and global conflict. 

The Circle of Monetary Life...

The return of the British Empire to the gold standard1(yet another way to counter China’s continued hoarding of Silver to the UK’s detriment while the US also bought it) and the US Great Depression2, among other factors, contributed to the decline of the silver standard in China. As global economic dynamics shifted, China was forced to adapt to new monetary systems.

The rise of fiat currencies backed by the governments' credit and economic policies gained prominence worldwide. Fiat currencies, such as the U.S. dollar, were not linked to any specific commodity like silver or gold but derived their value from the trust and confidence placed in the issuing government. This departure from commodity-based currencies posed a challenge to the traditional silver standard and prompted China to adapt to new monetary systems.


8- What Made The West’s Fiat Work?

The above is extremely important when considering where we are now. How did the West pull this off, getting China’s silver standard to collapse by introducing trust/confidence-backed Fiat?


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