
New Zealand: A Land of Obedient Conformists and State-Funded Propaganda

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by Capitalist Exploits
Monday, Jul 17, 2023 - 10:00

A lost cause — that’s New Zealand at the present time.

Case in point — a journalist reported (correctly) on the fact that the present day Ukraine war had its origins in the US-led Maidan coup in February 2014. Since the CIA even bragged about it, you’d have thought that bringing up the topic wouldn’t be an issue. You’d be wrong!

Check out 3 minutes of insanity.

The journalist will lose their job, sending a strong message to any budding truth seekers to tow the line.

It is worth pointing out that post-Covid scam, RNZ is now owned 50% by the Ministry of Broadcasting and 50% by the Ministry of Finance. In other words, 100% government owned and controlled. What you’re watching, friends, is state funded propaganda and censorship.

And the WEF agenda is running rampant through all levels of the bureaucratic system. Here’s from a local level. A good friend currently based in New Zealand recently attended this.

The answer that was provided, for what is the entirely manufactured crisis that is “climate change” so happens to be… wait for it… “degrowth.” And in case you think this doesn’t have the full backing of the government, the two primary sponsors were the regional and local city councils. Taxpayer dollars funding communism. What’s not to like?

This same friend described the situation extraordinarily well. Harsh perhaps, but certainly accurate in my experience.

New Zealand is a land of obedient professional conformists incapable of independent thought or action. It is like a really buff pretty boy or a really fit gorgeous babe. Beautiful with heaps of (athletic) talent. But, the upstairs part? Well, not the sharpest knife in the drawer or not the brightest light bulb in the room. In other words, New Zealand is the country equivalent of a dumb blonde. Gullible to the point of ridiculous. Trusting to the point of irresponsibility. Ignorant and childlike. Hobbits, barefoot and playful, surrounded by orcs and goblins.

Now, let’s try something.. Pretend you have knowledge of the former USSR and understand the methods put in place to achieve the totalitarian system they constructed, which led to the genocide during those times. Millions were murdered, the economy was devastated, how starvation became common.

Now, drag yourself back into the present world and explain to me, like I’m a labrador or someone who believes men can have babies, exactly how what is taking place today is any different.

Here’s the thing. The arbitrage between what is reality and what is known reality right now is still significant. It’s significant because people simply can’t imagine that “their governments would do this to them,” as if the government is this paternalistic caring entity with your best interests at heart.

In reality, it is a parasitic dishonest and increasingly dangerous organism, which — if not reigned in very quickly — indeed will consume its host.

Also, the merging of corporate and government over the last few decades (now really one and the same) means that diversifying your political and geographical risk has, I think, never been more important than it is today. Now, I know that this is an investment newsletter where we tell you what to buy or not and so forth, but I feel like it’ll all be a wasted exercise if you find yourself with all your eggs in one political and geographic basket.

If you are a self-directed stock investor looking for an edge, we can show you how. Just click on the links (below my name) to find a solution that works best for you.

Chris MacIntosh
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