
The $2 Billion Vaccine Pledge: Who Will Foot the Bill for the Mumbler in Chief?

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by Capitalist Exploits
Tuesday, Sep 19, 2023 - 10:34


This is the front page newsstand in London:

The mumbler-in-chief himself has asked Congress for $2bn to give to big pharma for vaccines. Don’t worry, it’s not his money. It’s yours. Ostensibly, they don’t even have the vaccine yet, but he promised that everyone would get it — whether they’ve had one yet or not.

They are desperate. Elections loom. The only thing I’m unsure about is when the civil war kicks off. Perhaps we should have held onto those weapons stocks we’d used to own.

We traded in and out of them and did OK getting most of the runup. Since then, they’ve come back down and although not dirt cheap, certainly moving into the more attractive realm.

Smart investors are already preparing for what’s coming…

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Chris MacIntosh
Capitalist Exploits | Glenorchy Capital Macro fund | Subscribe to Insider | Rebel Capitalist Pro

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