
New York's Central Park Five Councilman--The Full Story

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by Portfolio Armor
Wednesday, Nov 15, 2023 - 15:46
Newly-Elected NYC Councilman Yusef Salaam
Newly-Elected NYC Councilman Yusef Salaam.

More On New York's Newest Councilman 

In a post last week (Central Park Jogger Attacker Elected New York City Councilman), we noted that one of the confessed Central Park Jogger attackers had been elected to the New York City Council, and we refuted false claims that he (or his other fellow ex-convicts) were ever exonerated for their crimes. 

Earlier this week, an account on X brought his thread to our attention, which gives a full account of the Councilman's involvement in the attack on the Central Park Jogger, drawing on a detailed book about the case and citing Salaam's own statements to the police and his testimony during his trial. We present his thread below, followed by a brief note about a previous post of ours. 

In Case You Missed It

In our previous post (Predicting Price Movements Post-Earnings), we wrote about something that may interest those of you who are traders: which signals generate the most alpha when betting on or against companies releasing earnings? 

In that post, we present the three strongest bullish signals and three strongest bearish signals we've identified so far. 


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