
The Great (Freedom) Reset Has Begun

quoth the raven's Photo
by quoth the raven
Tuesday, Nov 21, 2023 - 11:00

Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance

The global economy, and more importantly, the entire world as we know it, is about to undergo a seismic shift toward freedom. In this article, I wanted to lay out why I believe this to be, how it will happen, and why I think this week may have marked step one of a long journey in the right direction.

That journey eventually ends in the dethroning of the likes of globalists, with the head of that snake represented by the likes of Klaus Schwab, central banks, and the lobotomized far left maniacs that have lobbied for “Great Reset” that eventually results in the loss of one or more (read: all) of our civil liberties and our current quality of life.

By now you probably know that Javier Milei, an outspoken and eccentric libertarian, has won Argentina's presidency after promising to aggressively tackle inflation, shutter the country’s central bank, end woke culture and significantly reduce government.

Garnering 55.69% of the vote he crushed the center-left candidate Sergio Massa. Milei's victory signals a bold new direction for South America's second-largest economy that Milei has called Argentina's "reconstruction".

Most important and least mentioned this week is that under the wild exterior, Milei has it where it counts: he has two masters degrees and has “been a professor of macroeconomics, economics of growth, microeconomics, and mathematics for economists” with specializations in economic growth. He has held prominent roles in various financial and government sectors, too. He was the chief economist at Máxima AFJP, a private pension firm, and at Estudio Broda, a financial advisory. He also consulted for the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes and was a senior economist at HSBC Argentina.

In other words, the “bold” financial ideas aren’t just bluster. They just seem like that to the rest of the world because Milei knows the actual solution to his nation’s problem just happens to be starkly different from the path it (and many other nations) have gone down.

The event was covered heavily in the news because of Milei’s outspoken demeanor and explosive personality, but something far more meaningful is taking place under the surface. In my opinion, Argentina is the first of many dominoes that will fall, leading the world toward a new “Great Reset”—one that prioritizes liberty and freedom instead of big governments and collectivism.

Some people I have spoken with this week believe that Argentina is too small of a country to make a global difference. They believe that the country's government will gridlock with Milei in office, and that even if the country finds success from smaller government, pro-liberty policies, and a focus on Austrian economics, it won’t be meaningful enough to move the needle on a global scale.

While these people are probably right regarding the dollar amount that Argentina contributes to global GDP, they are wrong from a philosophical perspective. Argentina isn’t going to drive global change via monetary brute force. Instead, it’s going to be an ideological example that the rest of the world can watch unfold successfully, in turn becoming a...(READ THIS FULL ARTICLE, FREE, HERE). 

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