

Capitalist Exploits's Photo
by Capitalist Exploits
Monday, Feb 26, 2024 - 18:56


It doesn’t come from Russia or Iran, but rather from the EU, NATO, and the UN.

I present to you

Of course, they’re lying to you. They know it!

If it wasn’t clear before, it really should be now that the pointy shoes in Brussels running the EU are much much more dangerous than an incompetent bureaucracy.

It is extraordinarily dangerous. After World War 2, the European countries moved steadily forward with two things:

  1. Socialist policies, and
  2. Consolidation of power in the hands of fewer and fewer.

This brings us to where we are today, with 27 member states completely under the big stubby thumb of the Brussels elite. The consolidation of power now includes all goods and services designed, produced, and bought and sold within the EU.

With ever more restrictive myriad idiotic rules Europe has steadily lost its competitive advantage. The sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline is the nail in the coffin of industrial capabilities of Europe and the shovel burying the region in its grave is the absurd cult crusade to ostensibly save the planet.

Of course, this is the ruse told to the peasants, who — complacent, unthinking, and indoctrinated by government education camps — are now easily distracted by 10 second TikToks and have no critical thinking ability. This won’t matter because that which is unsustainable by definition will not be sustained.

The additional consolidation of power by Brussels (and when I say Brussels, I mean Davos man) is part of the end goal of the enslavement of humanity. Don’t believe me? Just go read their own documents or listen to that snivelling little mouthpiece of the WEF.

That’s all you are to these people. Hackable animals, and they intend to remove your free will. What this disgusting piece of shit is referring to is the merger between body and machine, which has them more excited than a paedophile in a daycare (apologies for that visual, but it is rather appropriate for these people).

In reaching this “zero carbon” objective the EU has declared war on energy generation, vehicle manufacturing, fertiliser production, chemical manufacturing, steel production, and now farming. They’re prepared to screw German auto production out of existence, handing the entire game to China. They’re fine with liberalising food imports with Brazil, but are busy regulating their own farms into oblivion.

Meanwhile, Commission officials genuinely believe that Europe will “starve without mass imports of foreign workers,” and its own border chief thinks nothing can be done to stop the influx. Deindustrialisation and demographic collapse, colliding with an infinite wave of third world unskilled immigration, will cause more destruction than the entire Russian army waging war on Europe. The Russians and the Chinese don’t need to conquer Europe (if they ever wanted to). The pointy shoes in Brussels are doing it for them.

Moreover, the EU is now so isolated from reality, they now believe that opposition to their absurd Net Zero agenda is “far right extremism” and are moving rapidly to censor, imprison, and otherwise sanction any dissenters.

The problem (according to them) isn’t a populace fed up with their lies and unsubstantiated claims about climate change, but rather extremism and “misinformation.” Europe is set to become colder, darker, and more surveilled than ever just as Europeans themselves are replaced in their own homelands, leaving them minority groups without any power.

Russia poses no threat to Europe, except as retaliation for whatever idiotic acts the EU via the US and British handlers may land up doing to provoke them.

Far more dangerous to the way of life for Europeans is the EU themselves who are actively and gleefully destroying European civilisation at a foundational level.

This isn’t even hyperbole, and I’m not trying to be controversial. Listen to their own words. They believe “climate change requires a complete redesign of the entire economy.” That can only be done if they take control of it — something they’ve always wanted to do. That’s what “ever closer union” means. Fascism. Union between the state and big business.

Even if you believe that climate change is a serious threat, these people have a track record of fucking up everything they touch. Every Net Zero initiative has been an abject, utter, and complete failure.

Productive capacity is cratering, and any sensible European businessman has already left to set up shop in Asia, the Middle East, or Eastern Europe — well outside of the clutches of Davos man. None of this in any way does a jot to “curbing carbon emissions,” and anyone still believing such obvious twaddle is willfully ignorant or mentally retarded.

Our world is not under threat from climate change. It is under threat from central economic planning and censorship. It seems lessons need to be relearned.

We, the West, won the cold war because free market capitalism (which we sadly no longer have much of) won out over central planning, censorship, and oppression. Russia, Iran, and God knows who’s next — they’re all distractions. The real enemy resides in the EU.

Source: Insider 290 newsletter | For more fun, follow Capitalist Exploits on X

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