
Questions Emerge About Weaponized Water Systems

Janet Phelan's Photo
by Janet Phelan
Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025 - 22:26

While some folks are still professing shock and disbelief over the disclosure that a number of countries, including the US, Canada, Mexico, Israel, Switzerland and post-invasion Iraq, maintain a covert weapons system aimed at residents of the involved countries, really--why should we be surprised? We know that wars have been launched for the purposes of depopulation and that there are mounting concerns that health care has also been weaponized. Read more here and here


So the fact that a concrete capability exists to extinguish “inconvenient” lives, extra judicially, should come as no surprise. The fact is that the system that has come under scrutiny involves water. Which is a universal human requirement.


There has been only one argument against the release of this information  that appears, on the surface, to have any validity. This article delves into the perception that fueled the argument, and clarifies the differences between what is termed a “dual line water system,” which is a bonafide system, and the “double line water system,” which is a weapon.


The “dual line system” pertains to the capacity of certain water systems to deliver both potable and non-potable water. It is a bonafide system that is largely used in agricultural settings. Along with featuring multiple main lines, in order to provide access to both drinking water and non-drinking water, this system also features multiple service lines, which connect the mains to the particular dwelling. It is these multiple service lines, as demonstrated in the picture below, which distinguish this system from the weaponized water system.





A dual line water system may also feature storage tanks for the non-potable water, as shown below.


What we are calling the double line, or weaponized water system, features only one access line to the dwelling. This is to ensure that the individual who is attacked by this system will, in fact, consume the tainted water. The “dual line system” ensures that the non- potable water does not go to the tap, to be drunk or otherwise consumed.


Questions have also been tendered as to what agent, chemical or biological, will be used in the deployment of this weapon. The fact remains that as long as governments are tight lipped about this capability, we have no idea what will be used. Given the configuration of the weaponized water system, they can run anything they choose through the second line—arsenic, LSD, bird flu, covid—the choices are multitudinous.


Several researchers, including Dr. David Martin and Dr. Mike Yeadon, have asserted the possibility that some of the victims of the Covid pandemic may have been dosed with poison. In a private conversation last year, Dr. Martin asserted that he believed that some of the pandemic victims in New York City died from the water.  As the WHO is now warning us of the possibility of multiple pandemics, ranging from bird flu to monkeypox, it is incumbent upon us to remain vigilant as to the potential for “something extra” in our water.

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