
Fauci Claims He Did Nothing Wrong After Biden Preemptive Pardon

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden

Authored by Steve Watson via,

Following a last ditch preemptive pardon by Joe Biden in his final hours as President, Anthony Fauci has claimed that he did nothing wrong, but appears to be accepting the pardon anyway.

The pardon, along with ones for all members of the January 6th Select Committee and General Mark Milley, was announced via Biden’s X account.

ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent says Fauci told him that the pardon is “appreciated,” but that he still claims complete innocence in regards to his role as head of NIH and the funding of dangerous gain of function ‘research’ from which, it is now generally accepted, came the COVID pandemic.

If he’s innocent, why does he need a pardon?

Does the pardon cover Fauci for just COVID or the AIDS/HIV scandal too?

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