
Germany's Anti-Immigration AfD Party Soars To New High In Year-End Poll

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden

Authored by Denes Albert via ReMix News,

Germany’s Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has reached 23 percent in a new Forsa poll, marking the highest poll result the party has ever reached for a Forsa poll at the national level.

AfD co-chair Alice Weidel. (

The poll, conducted for RTL/ntv’s trend barometer, shows the AfD has gained one point compared to last week, while the Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) remain the top party in Germany, standing at 31 percent.

Combined, the AfD and CDU/CSU could easily form a coalition government if elections were held now.

At the same time, the poll shows the dire state of the ruling coalition, with the Social Democrats (SPD) at 14 percent, the Greens at 13 percent, and FDP at 5 percent. The Left party (Die Linke) lost one point, falling to 3 percent.

The RTL/ntv trend barometer shows a number of hypothetical options for chancellor, with 15 percent choosing Olaf Scholz, 24 percent Friedrich Merz, and 18 percent Robert Habeck.

In another potential configuration involving Scholz, Merz and Annalena Baerbock, Scholz comes in at 19 percent, Merz at 27 percent, and Baerbock is at 17 percent.

The AfD’s plan to run Alice Weidel in the chancellor position is not reflected as an option in the poll.

The poll also asked whether respondents had the impression that politicians at the federal level understand what “moves” people in their everyday lives, to which 81 percent of Germans answered in the negative.

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