
Baltimore City Official Blames Cars, Not Crime, For Population Collapse 

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by Tyler Durden
Friday, Sep 15, 2023 - 12:00 AM

Baltimore City's population has plunged to a century low. Instead of acknowledging that failed progressive policies have transformed the metro area into a crime-ridden hellhole and, in return, the continuation of a multi-decade exodus of residents, a Democratic city lawmaker blames the "automobile" as the primary culprit behind population decline.

"Our population loss is directly aligned with the trajectory of car-dominance and the City's investment to cater and shift to car-dominance," Democratic City Councilman Ryan Dorsey wrote on X. He said, "You cannot properly understand or effectively address population loss without directly confronting car-dominance." 

Dorsey's claim that automobiles caused the population collapse reflects a trend among Democrats who seem unwilling ever to acknowledge their party's progressive policies have failed major cities. 

Democrats have held control of Baltimore City for five decades. 

During that time, the city's population has collapsed. 

"With all due respect councilman, populations has less to do with cars that it does with access to well paying jobs, the availability of affordable modern single family homes, blight, and crime. One could use Atlanta in comparison. As we've lost, they've increased," one X user told Dorsey. 

Commenting on the outrageous quote from the delusional city official, Republican State Del. Nino Mangione from Baltimore County stated:

Nothing that comes out of Baltimore' leadership' surprises me. But, I must say, this may be the most absurd thing I've heard yet. Here is a little truth as it relates to Baltimore.

Fact: The problem in Baltimore is violent crime. People are scared to live there or go there. Not to mention it has the highest property taxes in the state.

Fact: The leadership in the Mayor's office and on Council is awful. All should immediately resign based on the results in Baltimore from violent crime to failing schools.

Sometimes facts are hard and words seem unkind but I believe it is time to start laying out the facts and demanding accountability. The state of Maryland spends millions trying to prop Baltimore up and the leadership fails every time.

Besides residents fleeing, financial firms whom we speak with have cited crime as their reasons why they're actively searching for new offices outside of the city -- not the automobile. 
