Trump's Department Of Education Finally Says 'No' To LGBTQ Porn In Schools
Authored by Andrea Widburg via,
One of the biggest battles in the last four years has been over parents’ rights. Basically, Democrats don’t think they have any. That’s changing with the Trump Department of Education, which immediately put the kybosh on fallacious claims that removing pornographic LGBTQ+ books from schools is “book banning.”
Leftists agree with Lenin, whose precise words are debated, but who said something along the lines of “Give me a child for six years, and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” One-time MSNBC personality Melissa Harris-Perry was less poetic but made the same point:
We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we've always had kind of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We haven't had a very collective notion of these are our children. So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
Or, as gamers might have said, “All your children are belong to us.”
This leftist philosophy has meant that, for the past four years, the government has gone to war against parents. The FBI classified them as terrorists, school boards had them arrested, and the Department of Education backed up any kind of leftist madness.
While parents of all races disliked Critical Race Theory instruction in schools, the real battle raged over sexual material in schools, especially in school libraries.
Gone were the days of “when a daddy plants a sperm in a mommy’s egg, that makes a baby.”
Now, schools across America are teaching children that the biological reality of their bodies is a lie.
However, if the Trump administration has anything to do with it, the leftist heyday is finally over. As he’s shown with one Executive Order after another, Trump is totally dismantling the federal government’s support for “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” the practical goals of which were racism and sexual perversion.
In a sign of just how quickly the Trump administration has taken control of every branch of the federal government (as is its right under the Constitution), one of the first things it did was have its Department of Education (“DOE”) dismiss spurious “book banning” complaints that leftists filed with the DOE when schools started withdrawing pornographic books. (And yes, they are graphically pornographic and would never have been allowed if they were about heterosexual sex.)
On Friday, the DOE issued a press release that goes to war in the caption: “U.S. Department of Education Ends Biden’s Book Ban Hoax.”
The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) today announced that it has dismissed 11 complaints related to so-called “book bans.”
The complaints alleged that local school districts’ removal of age-inappropriate, sexually explicit, or obscene materials from their school libraries created a hostile environment for students – a meritless claim premised upon a dubious legal theory.
Effective Jan. 24, 2025, OCR has rescinded all department guidance issued under the theory that a school district’s removal of age-inappropriate books from its libraries may violate civil rights laws. OCR is also dismissing six additional pending allegations of book banning and will no longer employ a “book ban coordinator” to investigate local school districts and parents working to protect students from obscene content.
The entire press release is worth reading because it shows how aggressively the Biden administration sought to force the LFBTQ+ agenda onto America’s youth:
In June 2023, then-President Biden announced that he would appoint a “book ban coordinator” within OCR. The coordinator’s responsibilities included developing guidance and training to deter schools from limiting student access to sexually graphic or racially divisive books by claiming that these efforts may contribute to a hostile environment that may violate students’ civil rights.
Not only is the DOE’s new stance wonderful (and Americans will support it), but it also shows the new administration’s “shock and awe” efficiency. Axios, probably to a backdrop of weeping employees, acknowledged as much:
No modern president has done more — across more areas of American policy, culture and life — than Trump in the past six days. This new operating style and system enabled a strategy of flooding the nation with so many huge moves that it's hard for critics to attack specific ones.
In other words, leftists are now playing a losing game of whack-a-mole, and it’s a beautiful thing.