
Watch: Biden DHS Head Claims There Is "No Disaster" At The Border

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Despite record numbers of encounters will illegal immigrants crossing the southern U.S. border in their thousands every day, including suspected terrorists, the head of the Biden Department for Homeland Security claimed under oath Wednesday that there is “no disaster”.

Alejandro Mayorkas made the claim while testifying before Congress regarding the border security budget and spending, and asking for more funding.

GOP Senator John Boozman told Mayorkas that “by every metric the situation at the border is a disaster,” adding that “what you’re asking for does nothing to get those numbers down.”

Mayorkas attempted to pivot the exchange to suggest Republicans are resistant to providing funding to hire more personnel at the border.

Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith further asked Mayorkas: “So the situation at the border, you’re saying, is not a disaster?”

“That is correct,” Mayorkas then answered.

Mayorkas was further pressed by other Senators about whether he sees the border situation as a crisis and again failed to respond:

Does this look like a crisis/disaster nor not?

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