
So Many Bear Stories To Revisit

Shall we revisit some old bear stories?

Sometimes they come back. And many of them actually fundamentally never really went away - it was just that Miss Market decided to ignore them. Let's have a look at some of the "old" bear stories that could resurface again. First, those unrealized losses. In Q4 2023, unrealized losses on investment securities for banks hit $478 billion. Meanwhile, the Bank Term Funding Program has officially expired.

Source: Apollo


Sometimes they come back

Second bear story is the BS. The Fed's balance sheet is now at its lowest level since February 2021, down $1.5 trillion from its peak in April 2022. How much more QT is needed to unwind the massive QE from March 2020 - April 2022? $3.3 trillion. Chart shows the BS vs NASDAQ, a relationship that apparently is dead...

Source: Refinitiv


It's a long way down...

....if SPX is to close some of the gap vs Fed reserves.

Source: Refinitiv


Reserves and the rate of change

Four week roc in Fed reserves vs SPX. You decide if this will start to matter.

Source: Refinitiv


VIX cares?

VIX vs Fed reserves.

Source: Refinitiv


That sentiment & positioning backdrop

Just a few of so many stretched indicators:

1. AAII Bull Bear index near the top of the range

2. Active equity manager exposure is close to the top of the historical range

Source: Barclays


Source: Barclays


This bear story never went away

 Housing Affordability Index hit the lowest level on record last week.

Source: Goldman


The biggest scare story of them all

Inflation of course - the one that moves in mysterious waves. What if the move in Gold really (partly...) was about smelling inflation...?

Source: Refinitiv


That bearish alligator gap

Stocks have continued to rally YTD amid range-bound real rates.

Source: Barclays



The Middle East geopolitical headlines are going from bad to worse. For the first time since Oct 7th it really looks that this could morph into something much bigger.



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