
Comment Score 56918

Member since Monday Mar 3, 2014 - 9:40 PM

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Jul 26, 2024 9:02
Racism And Sexism: The Campaign Theme Of The Harris-Whoever Ticket

Kamala's father is full blooded Jamaican, non-citizen.  Her father MIGHT have become a citizen sometime AFTER 2015.

Her mother was from India, non-citizen.

Her mother's VISA was expired on the day of her birth.  And her mother ALWAYS left the country when her VISA Expired previous to her birth. And her STUDENT VISAs were only valid for a year at a time.  There is a customs entry record for each time.

There is a record of her mother requesting a VISA a couple of weeks after Kamala was born on October 20, 1964.  But everything from then until 1967 has been deleted.  

There is nothing to show that she was actually born in the US except a birth certificate issued a few years later.

Her parents never naturalized before she achieved high office.

So we don't even know for sure that she is a citizen, much less a Natural Born citizen.

At best she was an anchor-baby.

Nevertheless, the left doesn't care about laws, and they are openly hostile to the Constitution or they would not advocate censorship and gun confiscation.

So, to them it will not matter.

Though I would assert that on that basis alone, systemmatic infidelity to the Constitution, they ARE NOT OUR COUNTRYMEN AND SHOULD BE INELIGIBLE FOR ANY OFFICE OR POSITION.

With that said, I recognize they control the North East and the handful of large cities on the West Coast.  And I would be happy to cede them that geography TOTALLY to do with as they please, so long as they foreswear all claims of all kinds on the rest of the Territories and States of the US.

They should be allowed to live as they see fit, so long as they can do it on their own steam.

But they will not.

Because systemmatized theft and coercion is the core of their credo.

And I will never bend to that.  Better the whole species became extinct than subsist that way.

Jul 26, 2024 8:52
Racism And Sexism: The Campaign Theme Of The Harris-Whoever Ticket

Her father is full blooded Jamaican, non-citizen.

Her mother was from India, non-citizen.

Her mother's VISA was expired on the day of her birth.  And her mother ALWAYS left the country when her VISA Expired previous to her birth. And her STUDENT VISAs were only valid for a year at a time.

There is a record of her mother requesting a VISA a couple of weeks after Kamala was born on October 20, 1964.  But everything from then until 1967 has been deleted.  

There is nothing to show that she was actually born in the US except a birth certificate issued a few years later.

Her parents never naturalized before she achieved high office.

So we don't even know for sure that she is a citizen, much less a Natural Born citizen.

At best she was an anchor-baby.

Jul 26, 2024 8:35
Racism And Sexism: The Campaign Theme Of The Harris-Whoever Ticket

Why did you think they were importing more Dem voters?

They want more stupid more than they want "equity".

Jul 26, 2024 8:31
Racism And Sexism: The Campaign Theme Of The Harris-Whoever Ticket

I will give her nothing of the kind.

I do not give enemies what they want.  Ever.

I have no racial hatreds that justify helping people who openly plan my impoverishment ("you will own nothing"), or my enslavement (DEI), or my murder (population reduction).

That they want it is reason enough to refuse.

Jul 26, 2024 8:27
Racism And Sexism: The Campaign Theme Of The Harris-Whoever Ticket

Never give your enemies what they want.


That all by itself is adequate reason to vote Trump totally irrespective of the appeal or unappeal of his personal manner.

NEVER EVER give your enemies what they WANT.

They are your enemies because they have ALREADY ANNOUNCED your impoverishment (own nothing) and depopulation (genocidal mass murder).

There is nothing to comply with.  Neither their seriousness nor sincerity need be tested.  By simple announcement on their part they are your MORTAL ENEMIES.

And you should NEVER give your enemies what they want no matter how small.

Jul 26, 2024 8:16
Racism And Sexism: The Campaign Theme Of The Harris-Whoever Ticket

Let their autocracy collapse along with their credit and their currency for their corrupt and racist cantillion self-dealing.

Their corruption is boundless.

Jul 26, 2024 7:49
Navy To Expunge Records For SEALs, Sailors Who Refused COVID Vaccines

It is impossible to un-assassinate a person, including character assassination.

Now that Uncle Sam has ripped off his red-white-and-blue mask to reveal Dr Mengele beneath, he cannot convincingly put the "Uncle Sam" mask back on.

Jul 26, 2024 7:40
These Are America’s Cheapest Sources Of Electricity In 2024

Without mention of Latitude this entire analysis becomes worthless.

WHERE does this apply between Equator and Poles?

Failing to specify makes the whole thing into nothing.

Jul 26, 2024 7:22
NYU Prof: Trump, Like Hitler, Will Use Assassination Attempt For ‘Authoritarian’ Goals

This professor is out of her gourd when she suggests the object of an assassination is worse that the perpetrators by reason of something that the object MIGHT do.

Why is she insane? 

Because in her thinking she prioritizes an uncertain future outcome which the evidence of the man's previous administration suggests WILL NOT happen over the REALITY of what DID HAPPEN.

When people prioritize potentialities over actualities they are insane.  That is the ESSENCE of insanity - to react to what is NOT REAL while ignoring that which is UNQUESTIONABLY REAL.

She claims to fear authoritarianism in the future by Trump while promoting Authoritarianism of the Left combined with organized MURDER NOW.

What she has already created is worse than what she fears.

That is the problem with the Left.  They SERIALLY do this.

Jul 26, 2024 7:18
Boeing, Money Printing, & The Military-Industrial Complex

Actually, when you borrow $1,000 at 5% for 10 years, it creates $1,000 of cash to match the $1,000 of principal debt.

However, there is NOTHING created with which to repay the $563 of Interest Debt.  And while the banking cartel might like to pretend everything will be fine if they recycle all $563 of their interest income back to the economy, if they do that then they have a growing loan book without a growing reserve base...and it will end in a bank run.

Since all of that $563 WILL NOT circulate, there is no way to repay the loan, meaning it will default...  Unless SOMEONE borrows a sum equal to the outstanding principal and interest.   

But if they do that, then the basis of the system is borrowing at interest to repay at interest - COMPOUNDING DEBT as result of compound interest - and hence LOGARITHMIC.

So what?  It means the cumulative interest burden, and growth rate of the debt must eternally accelerate until you get a Weimar...or deflationary contagion.

And who will borrow it?  Oh.  Well. If no one else will borrow then the FedGov must do it. 

"Borrower of Last Resort" is the flip side of the "Lender of Last Resort" coin.  And that has been the basis of the system since 1971.


So...yeah.  That is TOTALLY the Fed's fault.

Jul 26, 2024 7:10
Boeing, Money Printing, & The Military-Industrial Complex

The Plutocrats of the US, like the British ones before them, are irrevocably Cantillionaires irrespective of any money-losing, Cantillion-supported monopolies and duopolies they may yet own.

You cannot have a real economy while it remains based upon Cantillion wealth redistribution.   Eventually you run out of other peoples' money to redistribute to your Cantillionaires.

And despite the hopes of Cantillionaires everywhere that they may successfully establish a Global Government based upon even MORE Cantillion redistribution by means of CBDC, the fact is that it is impossible to perpetuate, or taper a Ponzi.

And that means we are headed to Weimar.

And it will happen within 15 years, at the end of which the US Debt will be AT LEAST $110 Trillion, and at the end of which most of the productive economies of the formerly 1st world will be utterly non-functional.

Because why should they function when no one gets paid from working...because it all gets cantillioned to the Cantillionaires?

And why should the 3d world, who never loved credit, or industrialized society to begin with, consent to support it all?

Jul 26, 2024 12:08
Coup Upon Coup Upon Coup

They didn't just ossify them in 2020.

Remember how Clinton shut out Bernie in 2016?

You might not know, but in fact Superdelegates have chosen the Democratic nominee every year since 1976.  That's what they were designed to do.   

Sometimes it is obvious, like 2016 and 2020.

Sometimes it is not obvious, and the Superdelegates will just cut the money from beneath the other candidates like 2008, and 2004 vs Howard Dean.

1976 was the first year the Democrats awarded delegates based on Primaries.  Jimmy Carter won that nomination against the desires of the L Johnson mob men who ran it since JFK.

They put in their boy in 1968 by murder and blackmail and Chicago burned as a result.

Kennedy got in the old fashioned way.  His father Joe bribed the delegates.  

The Roosevelt crowd were put in by the Wilson Democrats, and their backers, who were European Bankers and Oligarchs.

The last time Democrats really voted for their Nominee by choice, before Carter, it was Grover Cleveland.  And he got in the Nomination because he was the only one in the Party who hadnt been a Confederate, and was therefore electable.

If you did not know that Democrats do not practice democracy amongst themselves, and NEVER DID, it is because you have not been paying attention.

Jul 25, 2024 2:42
“All Men Are Created Equal”: University Of Oregon Loses Key Motion In Free-Speech Case

Oregon, in order to become a State, was required to contractually affirm by way of popular referendum the 1st Amendment along with the rest of the Constitution.

At what point in the State of Oregon's continual attempts to prosecute and censor free speech in its official capacity as a State can the State be considered to be in willful breach and or open insurrection against the contract they entered into to become a State?

Jul 25, 2024 2:07
George Orwell Is Being Cancelled

They are at war not with conservatives, as they think, but with reality and with the concept of causation.

That last object of progressives' war is the true key to understanding them.

Jul 25, 2024 1:55
NORAD Jets Make Rare Intercept Of Russian & Chinese Bombers Near Alaska

Can you point to examples of this in the news?

Jul 24, 2024 11:49
More NGOs Aiding Illegal Aliens Come Under Scrutiny In Texas

Any NGO caught in accessory to any felony should PERMANENTLY lose their tax status.

Enough already.

Jul 24, 2024 11:40
They’ve “Lost Our Family For Good”: Disney World Forced To Slash Prices Due To Increased Customer Dissatisfaction

Disney is a group of pedophile groomers.

I wouldn't let my kids within a mile of any of their parks or access any of their media made after 1995.

Jul 24, 2024 4:47
Bill Dudley, Who Urged Powell To Hike Rates in 2019 To Crush Trump, Flip-Flops & Demands Immedate Rate Cut

It is impossible to taper a Ponzi as Dudley discovered.

And you can only keep inflating it so long as there is sufficient new oxygen (productive population) to keep the bubble denizens breathing.

Neither course can succeed.

Provide yourself with some non-credit currency as hedge...or starve when the ponzi fails.

Jul 24, 2024 4:44
More Agency Weaponization? Secret Service Tells Trump To Stop Having Outdoor Rallies

The candidate/president commands the SS.  Not the other way around.

Trump needs a handful of retired top-tier USSS retirees to put in charge of security.

Is there a law against private security as a PAC-funded campaign contribution?  That's where you'd get the intermediate perimeter.  Local police can be the outer.

After Butler the SS, who were organizationally 100% complicit, cannot be trusted to be the coordinating agency.  That role needs to go to hirelings that Trump trusts.