
Comment Score 4735

Member since Monday Oct 15, 2018 - 2:44 AM

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Jun 26, 2024 2:40
Is The Global Inflationary Depression Already Here?

Do these same inflation adjustments going all the way back to 1971.  I think you'll be amazed at what you find.

Jun 12, 2024 5:07
Send This Article To People Who Say “Ivermectin Doesn’t Work For Covid-19”

Pay attention folks.  This is what real scientific writing looks like. Bookmarks, annotations, actual studies cited, and cold hard data included, along with 103 annotations attached. Trust the science they said. Ok, well, here it is. Or you can watch some clown show Hotez/Fauci story time hour on CNN/MSNBC.  It's an easy choice.

Jun 07, 2024 4:37
Inside The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report In Years

Can anyone explain how we lose 625K full time jobs and add 286k part time jobs and yet the total number of jobs is reported as + 272k jobs?  By my math, +286 - 625 = - 339.  Even if you add in the imaginary birth/death model "jobs" of + 231, that still leaves us at - 108. How on earth is that reported as +272?

Jun 06, 2024 5:37
Don’t Say “America”: Michigan State Has 140+ Employees Working On 222 DEI Action Items

To be fair, he is Greek, so the hetero part is questionable I'd say.

May 03, 2024 8:26
Russian Troops Enter Air Base Hosting US Soldiers In Post-Coup Niger

And I'm quite sure the American military leaders know this, and probably even arranged for this. But they can't come out and say that publicly. They'll never announce that we had Russian troops cover our withdrawal. The public wouldn't take that well, even though it makes a lot of sense to me.

May 03, 2024 8:23
Russian Troops Enter Air Base Hosting US Soldiers In Post-Coup Niger

This actually makes a lot of sense for the safety of the last US personnel to leave. It's always most dangerous when you get down to that last planeload to leave the site. You're down to maybe 100 guys with no support, no armor, no air cover, etc. Having the Russians there will actually make the situation safer. They'll make sure none of the Niger troops takes any parting shots or does anything foolish in the final days. The Russians don't want trouble with the Americans 5000 miles away from their home support either. They just want a smooth transition and the Americans to be gone. And the best way to do that is to help them leave safely. It's in both sides interests to see the Americans leave without incident.

May 01, 2024 5:39
The Teams Are Set for World War III

Respectfully Chris, you may be witnessing these groups coming together now. Some of us have known for 30+ years that they were ALWAYS the same group to begin with.

Apr 04, 2024 4:24
Gold’s Defiance Of Real Yields Can’t Last Unless Trouble Brewing

Or, gold is just telling you that the CPI is wrong by about 4 full percentage points, meaning inflation is actually 7.2%, not 3.2%. 

But, but, but, that can't be right, the TIPS market says...

Hold it right there Skippy.  The TIPS market isn't a market. You can't use that rate to calculate anything. Know why?  I'll tell you why. The Fed owns 24% of all TIPS issued. They set the price of the TIPS market. It's not a market signal. They deliberately set it so low, so that they can fool people who don't know any better into thinking that inflation is only 3.2%. You think the TIPS would be at 2.7% if the Fed didn't own 24% of the market?  Get real. Gold is calling BS on all these shenanigans and it's going to find the true price level of everything.

Mar 29, 2024 4:47
Beware Of Squatters

Really don't understand why people don't just shoot them. They've broken into your home, they are a home invader.  They obviously intend to harm you and your way of life. You have every right to just shoot them. What is the problem here?

Mar 12, 2024 4:51
One Career Economist Exposes The Lies Of Modern Economics


An oldie but good one. Sir James Goldsmith on Charlie Rose's show. This is always the interview I think of when I think that maybe full blown libertarianism, free trade, etc, just maybe isn't the complete answer. And it mostly centers around the idea, the philosophy, of just what are we trying to accomplish with our economy for our society? Is it maximum efficiency and profit? Or should it be geared towards maximum quality of life for its citizens?  Take a listen and think, very well worth your time.

Mar 09, 2024 3:18
‘We Got To Reign Her In’: Behind The Scenes Of Nuland’s Early Retirement

Listen to a Putin speech, then listen to a Biden speech. I don't see how any sane human being can possibly think that the Biden way is the better way. This isn't US vs Russia circa 1980 like some Rocky movie. It's become crystal clear to sane people that the Russians vision of the future is the correct one and the West is going down some woke sewer in all facets, culturally, militarily, economically, socially, you name it. We want the madness to end and lo and behold, the guy leading the charge to end it is Vladimir Putin?  It is a bit of a mind bender but I think any rational analysis comes to this conclusion quite clearly.

Mar 09, 2024 2:12
‘We Got To Reign Her In’: Behind The Scenes Of Nuland’s Early Retirement

Nonsense. They're trying to paint this as Nuland went rogue, we had a great plan but she mucked it all up, everything was fine except this one person went off the rails. Utter nonsense. This is we were all on board with this plan we thought was genius, turns out we are all complete morons and now we have to feed the media and the public someone's head on a pike to make it look like we still know what the hell we are doing. She's the patsy, not that anyone should feel bad for her. She's pure evil and deserves every bad thing that happens to her and more. But let's quit pretending that everyone else in this administration was anything different. They weren't. They're all evil morons. They just had to pick one evil moron to take the fall here.

Mar 06, 2024 10:08
“Doomsday Clock Ticking”: U.S. Unfunded Social Security And Medicare Liability Hits $175.3 Trillion

"In 2013, then-U.S. Senator, the late Dr. Tom Coburn, warned that Congress was “drunk on spending.” Coburn highlighted the federal unfunded liabilities, which then were $128 trillion. Today, just ten years later, the financial picture is considerably  worse – up nearly $50 trillion, or 39 percent!"

This means that on average our deficits have been $5T per year worse than advertised. When they tell you we are running an insane $2T deficit, it's actually $7T it's just that $5T of that deficit is kept off the current books but it is still very much a real future liability.

Feb 19, 2024 4:40
Who Is The WOAT President?

That’s easy. It’s Woodrow Wilson and it ain’t even close. Any other answer is just plain wrong. 

Jan 26, 2024 6:42
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Abbot needs to have a talk with his National Guard commander immediately. If the order comes from Biden for the Guard to get called away, and they don't go, then they could be considered traitors, derelict in their duties, and imprisoned or hung. If you doubt this, just look at what the feds have done to an unauthorized tour group from January 6th a couple years ago. Imagine what they'd do to a defiant Nat. Guard group.  So if Abbot is going to ask his Guardsmen to defy the feds, then he has to be at peace with the fact that he is suborning armed insurrection, and all the potential consequences that could follow. He could wind up swinging from a tree himself too. So everyone has to be on the same page here and face these realities with their eyes wide open.

Godspeed, and may God bless Texas.

Dec 26, 2023 1:59
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You do know that Google owns YouTube, right? 

Dec 26, 2023 1:57
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So they are spending an extra $46B to collect an extra $13B? Do I have that right? Only in government could this be seen as an effective use of resources. 

Dec 21, 2023 6:58
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Do you not see the problem with your theory here? 
I’ll get Putin to stop because I’ll give Z everything.

I’ll get Z to stop because I’ll give him nothing.

Well, guess what? You can’t do both. You can only pick one. And no matter which one you pick, the war will go on. Give Z everything, he’ll think he can win and so he’ll keep fighting. Give him nothing and Putin knows he can win so he’ll keep fighting. The only diplomatic solution now comes after one side surrenders. 

Dec 07, 2023 10:23
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Fox's warmongering is disgusting. Brian Kilmeade should kill himself. He's a defective, putrid specimen that should remove himself from the gene pool ASAP.

Dec 01, 2023 9:52
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Honest question, how are we supposed to live in a world where people like Dan Goldman are allowed out in public?  He is clearly defective and needs to be recalled and sent back to the manufacturer.