
Comment Score 22582

Member since Monday May 13, 2019 - 3:40 PM

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May 01, 2024 2:19
Columbia Student Protesters Break Into, Barricade Themselves Into Building After Deadline To Disperse Passes

These are Soros backed protesters providing cover as it takes up the MSM and social as the genocide continues in Gaza. You discredit legitimate protests by at first throwing in the Pride flag then moving in Transgenders for Gaza then you start the violence. Netanyahu told the states to shut the protests down and they are doing it. Who runs the US really? The longer it takes the more genocide takes place. 

May 01, 2024 2:11
It’s The End Of The Foreign Exchange Reserves As We Know It... Don’t Feel Fine About It

They want to destroy it all as they believe that can actually Build Back Better. They use the lockdowns and the restarting of the economy as proof they can achieve their agenda. It will fail as they come to the realization that rebuilding an whole economy after it has been completely destroyed is not the same as simply restarting after a forced shutdown. It is not just the economy they want destroyed but its culture, its education system, its rule of law like making pedophilia legal as they want to start from scratch. This failure will in fact destroy all western culture and its economies and there will be no BBB but massive poverty, social, unrest and violence just as we are beginning to see. 

May 01, 2024 12:09
Unification Of CBDCs? Global Banks Are Telling Us The End Of The Dollar System Is Near

The western monetary systems are collapsing and the whole idea of the Great Reset is to collapse the debt based system, go cashless and convert all deposits to rule based tokens or CBCDs. It is a totalitarian agenda of total control which Schwab was able to get so many western leaders on board as he guaranteed them staying in power and but would have almost total control over the populations as voting would come to pass as free speech, (no more criticizing government agendas), the ability to travel freely, spend you money as you please, eat meat, guns, ammo, alcohol, (yes they plan to ban it), in fact anything the government thinks you should not possess or consume. The BIS bragging about how they will control what you can purchase. This agenda also includes that everything purchased will contain a carbon number on the bar code. Each household will have a monthly Personal Carbon Allowance and when you reach that limit then go over, you are fined or transactions are denied especially items that carry a large carbon number like petrol. Control is also exerted by your smart meter and your smart appliances and your car which all can be shut down as we saw last winter in Colorado where the utility company shut power off in some areas or controlled thermostats lower temperatures with homeowners losing control of their own home. Kill switches in cars have been around for some time as the ability to take over driving them so the powers that be can simply not allow commuting on days they think carbon is too high. Then forced mass transit comes into play or riding a bicycle. 

Bankers' Bank: Bank For International Settlements (BIS) To Tokenize Customer Assets Prior to CBDC

Lena Petrova, CPA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30nBzhXORwA&t=311s

The excuse to implement totalitarian agenda is world war with Russia, China and Iran while taking assets, resources, markets, etc. 

While some Nato leaders have been more circumspect, this need for war to justify the defaulting on debt that is the real factor behind the West’s desire for war will have far greater consequences than these fake world leaders who are all hand puppets of the Neocons. Kiselyov added: “This is not propaganda.” Yet in the West, the Neocons are saying this is a bluff, and Putin will never use Nukes so the West can completely destroy Russia – their hated enemy for decades, without a shot fired?

I have an old Russian friend who we met back in Tokyo some 20 years ago.  She has reiterated to me a question, and she is NOT political or involved in the government.

“Why does the world hate us so much?”

This is where my experience with governments and geopolitics clashes with the reality of humanity. I know the answer is that these fake leaders will NEVER admit that borrowing year after year to get votes is coming to an end and they can no longer sustain our present monetary system—which is why they are moving to CBDCs, and many are talking about now taxing even unrealized gains in stocks and real estate. They think they can cover up their disastrous fiscal mismanagement since World War II with war.

NATO is scared to death if there is no threat of war, then they will be irrelevant and defunded with the money going to Climate Change. If NATO keeps up this propaganda that Russia will invade and seek to conquer Europe, what they are doing is pushing Russia into a corner where they might as well commit the annihilation they have been accused of harboring.

But the West wants the war to cover up the collapse of this, ending borrowing with no intention of ever paying off any debt. All pensions will collapse when they get to the point that they are unable to sell new debt to pay off the old.

I warned on February 22, 2022, that Volodymyr Zelensky would be the man they hired to create World War III. My sources made it clear that the election was rigged. The oligarch behind Zelensky was the same one who hired Hunter Biden. Our future will be destroyed by this man who takes orders from the American Neocon. There will be no DEFEAT of Russia. For anyone in charge of a country that was about to be destroyed, the natural response is to take everyone else with you – just push the bottom.

(1) Russia won – Ukraine has lost, and NO Amount of Money will win this war
(2) The Administration is pouring money down a black hole where NOBODY knows where it is going
(3) Congress is throwing money into a failed war, and they do not demand any accountability, as was the case with Iraq and Afghanistan. Why?
(4) Those who will benefit are the Western firms that invested in Ukraine and have lost their shirt – Another bailout?

This is why our insane leaders are urging us to send in troops to Ukraine, which will start World War III. Russia is warning us NOT to do this, and our Western Press refuses to acknowledge anything our warmonger leaders are doing, no less the risks that they are subjecting everyone to over a civil war the West began with this intention from the outset. 

May 01, 2024 11:15
At Least 30 Men Have Died Trying To Flee Ukraine Draft

They were supposedly murdered by Ukraine's border guards as a warning to others. European countries are in the process of rounding up Ukrainians in their own countries as the Ukrainian consulate denies extensions and must return. This is nothing but wholesale murder and genocide against the Ukrainian people and it is done by the west just after Nuland placed a puppet in back in 2014, she ordered the Ukrainian military to carry out a genocide policy against Ukrainians of Russian descent. It is shocking how the whole west has no regard for human life and has a history of it. Starting in WWII where Roosevelt's New Deal turned into disaster and they needed world war to cover up the financial mismanagement and told Poland not to sign a peace deal with Germany starting the European conflict and letting Perl Harbor happen guaranteeing the Pacific conflict. Then Vietnam with the American public lied to to kick start the war as the US tried to save France's colony and make a ton of money for the MIC and of course Congress. Then all those toppling of governments, creating terrorists groups then arming to the hilt in Central and South America so US multinationals could take resources and markets from big agriculture to banking to big oil. Then the bombing and destruction of Belgrade with Yugoslavia split then Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and gun running to terrorists created and funded by the US, Yemen, Ukraine and now attacking infrastructure of China's BRI murdering the innocent. Then of course Gaza and the coming world war with Russia, Iran and China. All these have a few things in common, massive loss of life of innocent men, women and children with over 1 million in Vietnam, of 1 million in Iraq and adding up all the rest millions more murdered all instigated by the US as the average American goes about his day never batting an eye. Most believe in the propaganda that the US has the legal right to sanction, to topple governments, to murder, to steal but we are in fact simply a criminal enterprise who has gotten its way thru its military and weaponization of  its monetary system and now it is all coming to an end. When the US finally falls do you believe Americans will have to pay reparations to all these countries as the world's perception of it has changed completely? The damage is real as destruction, the theft is real and the loss of life is real. 


Apr 30, 2024 12:23
Have Fun Staying Poor: Washington Announces $45 Million Subsidy For Low Income Families To Buy EVs

The program is open to individuals earning 300% or less of the federal poverty level and extends to both new and used EVs. 

These people cannot afford to own a car much less the insurance which is much higher than on a regular car. The wisdom of government employees and Congress.

Apr 30, 2024 11:35
Have Fun Staying Poor: Washington Announces $45 Million Subsidy For Low Income Families To Buy EVs

Have Fun Staying Poor: Washington Announces $45 Million Subsidy For Low Income Families To Buy EVs

And they accuse China of subsidizing their industries when in fact the US has been doing it for decades from steel to technology. The US never thinks that sanctions or special tax breaks are subsidizing. 

Apr 30, 2024 11:32
European Union Grabs More Power: Are We Heading Back to a Communist Future?

As I have have stated before the whole west is collapsing and they need to take all assets to stay propped up to buy some time. They no longer try to hide it. This is the Great Reset where Schwab was able to sign up governments promising them that they would not only retain power but will have much more as they move to a totalitarian agenda of haves and have nots. They all over borrowed with no intent of paying it back. As one Chinese economist stated, as the west is collapsing including the US, they need to harvest not only the public's assets but other countries. The US is actively harvesting Europe, trying with Russia and of course China. They have sunk so low they are stealing Syria's oil having the US military guard the wells. In Florida insurance rates are rising on homeowners forcing many to flee with Blackrocks, Vanguards, etc buying them up. This is the move to a renters society where "You will own nothing and be happy". Governments and a few large multinationals will end owning it all. This is Fascism. The latest tax proposals takes more of the public's assets and destroys small businesses all apart of the agenda. Unfortunately most Americans are in denial as they watch their living standards crumble. The worst is yet to come as how you live your daily lives and even buy food will change completely. This is governments in panic as they can do nothing but keep spending and dive deeper into more debt until they cannot anymore. 

The US was for globalism when they benefited but as they implement this agenda including climate change and destroying their own economies, China has become their number one enemy of all the west as they refuse to follow this agenda and with efficient supply chains and inexpensive energy and raw materials from Russia, they are eating the west lunch with Blinken and Yellen reduced to making threats. They invested in their people and in supply chains where the west invested in war. The west can no longer compete and even much of its parts for weapons are made outside its borders and many from China. For western elites and governments to stay in power they are moving to a brutal totalitarian agenda which they have accused others over the decades of doing the same exact thing. This stated of course with the destruction of the rule of law. 

The Global Identity Project is designed to shift the global economy away from private ownership and into what the WEF calls an “access model” where you own nothing but rent goods and services from the world’s billionaires and billionaire corporations.” Member of Aussie Parl.

WTF Is WEF Leader Klaus Schwab Talking About?

The Jimmy Dore Sh  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPSVluu_dc8

Top CFOs EXPOSE THE TRUTH about US Economy Failure, CBDC Launch by 2026 and AI Replacing Jobs

Lena Petrova  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJD2vANwq2Q

As Armstrong models have forecast, this agenda will and is being implemented but fails completely which ends up destroying western culture and its economies which we are watching in real time unravel. This is how China will eventual become the world's financial center and center of innovation as western polices force capital to flee. The recent tax increases and overall is adding more nails in the coffin of what was an industrious and prosperous capitalist west which now is moving to communism for the masses and Fascism at the top. We are watching financial mismanagement on a scale never before seen both by democrats and republicans as they are desperate to retain control in a world where other countries no longer fears them realizing they have no place to go but farther down and into total decay taking the people with them. 

Apr 30, 2024 10:41
Best Kept Secrets of the Auto Industry: When is the Perfect Time to Buy a Car?

One of the agenda's of the Great Reset is to force everyone into using mass transit whether it is available or not. Those pushing this agenda would rather have you stay home than use a car. They are doing this by raising insurance premiums which will soon accelerate after the 2024 election as will home owners insurance. This has been happening in Florida the last 18 months or so forcing families and retirees out and pushing the renter's economy where you will rent everything from a few large mega corporations. Most have seen the rant by the head of Bank of America wanting a cashless society and CBDCs which is where we are headed controlling what you are even allowed to purchase. The latest tax increases are designed to take your assets piece by piece with hefty taxes on estates, your home and businesses when you die. As one prominent Chinese economist stated in an interview, the US is collapsing and the spending will not stop until they cannot anymore. To stay propped up and buy some time, they are "harvesting" Europe and trying to do the same with Russia and China hence the threats by Blinken and Yellen and of course war. They make no bones of taking Russia's resources. They are also "harvesting" the American population just as all thru the west taxes are rising as they move to a authoritative and totalitarian society of haves and have nots. The agenda is communism for the masses as in "You will own nothing and be happy" with Marxism and Fascism at the top which is being implemented right in front of your eyes. This is using technology to control the masses. While most Americans are taking in the propaganda of China, Russia, Iran, etc. they are unaware of what is really happening as their attention is focused on what they want you to see and hear and not how they are coming for everything you own.

The Global Identity Project is designed to shift the global economy away from private ownership and into what the WEF calls an “access model” where you own nothing but rent goods and services from the world’s billionaires and billionaire corporations.” Member of Aussie Parl.

WTF Is WEF Leader Klaus Schwab Talking About?

The Jimmy Dore Sh  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPSVluu_dc8

Top CFOs EXPOSE THE TRUTH about US Economy Failure, CBDC Launch by 2026 and AI Replacing Jobs

Lena Petrova  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJD2vANwq2Q

Washington says this tax is necessary to address the looming national debt, but they are simultaneously implementing measures to ensure that the nation falls deeper into debt. Perpetually issuing new debt to pay for the old is equivalent to a Ponzi scheme that WILL FAIL.

The proposal is over 250 pages in length but looks to target all investments. The MSM will report that they are only going after the wealthiest Americans but the truth of the matter is that they will seek to squeeze everything they can out of every American...

C corporations, under this proposal, would be subjected to a 28% tax rate – a 7% increase. The corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT) would rise to 21% compared to the current 15%. How on Earth does this support American business? Does he truly believe this will aid in job growth, as we have primarily only seen the public sector grow?

Think crypto is safe? Think again because this proposal wants to permit the government to determine which assets are considered actively traded.

“The proposal would add a third category of assets that may be marked-to-market at the election of a dealer or trader in those assets. Assets in the third category would be actively traded digital assets and derivatives on, or hedges of, those digital assets, under rules similar to those that apply 230 General Explanations of the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2025 Revenue Proposals to actively traded commodities. The Secretary would have authority to determine which digital assets are treated as actively traded. The determination of whether a digital asset is actively traded would take into account relevant facts and circumstances, which may include whether the asset is regularly bought and sold for U.S. dollars or other fiat currencies, the volume of trading of the asset on exchanges that have reliable valuations, and the availability of reliable price quotations.”

Forget offshore digital investments because Washington wants a cut of that too:

“Tax compliance and enforcement with respect to digital assets is a rapidly growing problem. Since the industry is entirely digital, taxpayers can transact with offshore digital asset exchanges and wallet providers without leaving the United States.

This proposal is LOADED with extreme restrictions and penalties for investors, both domestic and foreign.

They want to reform how companies pay dividends. ....including the payouts the government lavishly handed out during COVID. INSANE New Tax Proposal – Stealing from Citizens Legally

This is how car and home ownership disappears. This is how China becomes the world's financial center.

Apr 29, 2024 4:00
Biden Embraces G20-Proposed 2% Wealth Tax To Battle ‘Racial Wealth Inequality’

Big government with its massive taxation, regulations and policies where funds never go where intended but seems to simply disappear with no audit are the causes of wealth disparity. As one black candidate stated recently it has been the democratic party that has been our worst enemy. Plenty to blame beside wealthy.

Apr 29, 2024 3:55
Early Tests Find Pasteurization Killed Bird Flu In Milk: FDA

Their excuse for banning meat......

Apr 29, 2024 3:54
Early Tests Find Pasteurization Killed Bird Flu In Milk: FDA

This is part of the on going war against farmers especially Amish farmers who do not use pasteurization. Robert Barnes represents a few of these and the illegal actions by both the state of Pa. and the Department of Agriculture is immense. They both have been trying to shut them down and have been successful on a few cases and Barnes went over these  ongoing cases with Viva Frei. So if you notice that bird flu came out in milk and now pasteurization kills it. Just an accident or part of the on going agenda? As usual this is all part of the social conditioning agenda of shutting down farms with the public convinced it is OK as it kills bird flu.

Apr 29, 2024 11:09
US Space Force General Says China’s Military Developing Space Assets At “Breathtaking Speed”

China’s ambitions with regard to the Moon are also among Space Command’s concerns...

Simply more weapons of mass destruction propaganda.......to get Congress to authorize more and more spending..........then create more enemies.........to make even more money.........

When you see a guy in uniform ranting about threats what is is really saying is we are gearing you up for more money. No enemy... no money.

Anyone see that member of Congress questioning a DoD official holding up a bag of bushings which cost US taxpayers $90,000. I remember when Haliburton during the Iraq war was charging $2000 for each pizza as they had the food contract and water and that was decades ago. It would cost $100,000 today. Water is a whole other can of worms. The US has over 800 bases worldwide. Just imagine the cost of supplying them with food, water, equipment, maintenance on that equipment like parts because that is where the real cash flow comes in as they are designed to fail intentionally. Just look a the cost to maintain a F-16. That is one reason why Ukrainian soldiers consider US and NATO weapons junk as they are used to the old Soviet ones that do not require much maintenance like barrels of guns.  

Apr 29, 2024 10:55
Ukraine’s Top Five Challenges Are Unsolvable

 Russia exploited Ukraine’s disastrous counteroffensive to regain the military-strategic initiative.

Typical BS statement which rings out thru the west. Russia never lost the offensive and has been slowly and methodically bleeding Ukraine, Europe, NATO and the US every since they withdrew from the Kiev suburbs when Merkel and Holland panicked realizing Ukraine was going to fall in the first 30 days. The western pundits keep claiming that Russia was forced back when in fact there was a so called peace deal and they withdrew. Another rant is that Russia was never making any headway taking territory until recently but the fact is they were not interested in those type of gains but again bleeding the west which has worked perfectly. Russia knew like all over conflicts by the US and Europe they would tire as the monetary costs escalated. The reason they are not taking territory as Putin has stated was the introduction by the west of long range missiles so they are going to create a wide buffer. Does the west have nothing but incompetent people who never understood what real war is, what Russia was really doing? Only a few I have heard and they are highly condemning of the whole western narrative which that misunderstanding of war is why the US keeps being defeated. Of course you can argue the US never had a strategy of wining any war but the agenda is to simply keep wars going so the MIC and Congress can continue to get more wealthy. If they cannot win in the first few weeks they go into the constant spending model. 

Apr 29, 2024 10:34
Who’s In Favor Of A Potential TikTok Ban?

They are again using the China angle to ban them which is simply another attack on free speech. Tik tok like Huawei refused to grant back door access and anyone who does not are considered some type of enemy and a threat just like they are going after Musk especially in Australia. The fact is it is not China nor Russia but our own bureaucracy that is the threat. Remember the FBI attorney working in twitter itself and acted like the "gatekeeper". Fact is google and facebook, are all CIA creations. How many are there embedded in all these platforms? Eliminate free speech and all opposition to the narratives being rammed down our throats from LBGTQ to grooming children to constant wars. It is like the narrative that Russia and China are the aggressors as the US and NATO keep creeping closer to closer to their borders. You eliminate opposition and truth be denying access as we head into the days of the USSR and China under Mao where the state controlled everything. We are moving to that point. You have to be living under a rock not to realize that the Constitution is being destroyed and the agenda of totalitarianism and authoritarianism are being implemented. U

Apr 29, 2024 10:21
Justice Kavanaugh Warns Of Vicious Cycle Of Malicious Prosecutions That Could End Presidency

It appears Trump has been compromised and has lost control of not only his legal cases but his campaign as a former lobbyist now runs the show. Instead of saying his was lied to about the jabs he is now embracing them and like his support of Mike Johnson on Ukraine with the last bill. As attorneys Viva Frei and Robert Barnes has stated he keeps making remarks that will get him unelected. As Viva stated also the person in charge is "The Most Feared and Least Unknown Political Operative in America". She was a lobbyist for the MIC, big agriculture, the food industry, etc. according to the two attorneys. As Viva stated they are telling you now to your face they have control of Trump. 

Ep. 208: Trump Trial; Immunity; Pennsylvania Farmers; Tommy Robinson & MORE! Viva & Barnes

vivafrei         https://rumble.com/v4s2fvx-ep.-208-trump-trial-immunity-pennsylvania-farmers-tommy-robinson-and-more-v.html

As far as his legal cases, many including the two above cannot understand why his attorneys has not brought up the fact that Smith has no jurisdiction to prosecute Trump nor Bragg. Even the Justices has brought this up. 

Smith & Merrick Garland of DOJ Have NO Constitutional Authority to Prosecute Trump – PERIOD!!!!

As you have raised, Justice Thomas even asked if Trump’s lawyer, John Sauer, had questioned Smith’s power to prosecute any president. Justice Thomas asked, “Did you, in this litigation, challenge the appointment of special counsel?”   He said “We hadn’t raised it yet in this case when this case went up on appeal.” This is shocking. Justice Kavanaugh also chimed in along the same lines, warning as you do that this will establish an unending precedent. Justice Gorsuch commented that the court is “writing a rule for the ages.” Are Trump’s lawyers deliberately throwing this case?


REPLY: Yes, I grew up with debates and discussions all the time about the Constitution. It was the Age of McCarthy who was ignoring everything just to win as they are doing today. As I have said, Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 prohibits the arrest of a Congressman or Senator to interfere in their vote. The president cannot be the exception. Article II, Section 4 makes it very clear that ONLY Congress can charge the President, and he can ONLY be put on trial in the Senate:

 The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

I really do not understand fighting on immunity when they should be fighting on the lack of subject matter jurisdiction to appoint some prosecutor who is UNELECTED and UNSUERVISED by the Senate, and he can bring charges against a president who interferes in the 2024 election. This is not going to look good historically. Justice Kavanaugh is very smart, and he understands precedents well. He explained: “It’s going to cycle back and be used against the current president or the next president … and the next president and the next president after that.” Justice Gorsuch’s comment that they are “writing a rule for the ages” is absolutely correct.

I am very disappointed in Trump’s lawyers – VERY DISAPPOINTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Apr 28, 2024 6:45
China Expanding New Outpost In Antigua & Barbuda, Alarming The Pentagon

China Expanding New Outpost In Antigua & Barbuda, Alarming The Pentagon

As the US expands its bases around China and NATO led US inches closer to Russia's border. What is amazing most Americans will find this alarming but somehow justify the US doing the same.

Apr 28, 2024 12:47
Putin Did Not Order Alexei Navalny’s Death, US Intelligence Finds

Media outlets & officials worldwide were quick to declare Putin had 'assassinated' him...

How many in the west bought into this BS just like weapons of mass destruction.

Apr 28, 2024 12:10
Adam Schiff Robbed In San Francisco

So is life in America........

Apr 28, 2024 12:04
Americans Are Increasingly Negative About China

Americans have been dumb down for decades. Cuba was lie, Vietnam was a lie, Panama was a lie, Nicaragua and creating and arming terrorists was a lie, 911 was a lie, Iraq was a lie, Afghanistan was a lie, Syria and funding ISIS, Al Qaeda was a lie, Ukraine was a lie as was Iran. The fact is the American public will take anything hook, line and sinker as they are slowly conditioned for all these wars using politicians and the MSM playing on the public's emotions using fear. Remember those weapons of mass destruction? As the US has never invested in its people nor its industry as China has but in money constantly flowing into wars, they no longer can compete and China is eating our lunch. They refuse to acknowledge that the whole US tax and regulatory systems must be dismantled if we are to compete internationally. Instead Yellen's solution was to get all other countries to raise taxes even more as they move farther into socialism. The US fears China as they lose their hegemony especially economically. They feared the partnership of China and Russia along with Germany creating total chaos which ended up destroying Germany and pushing the two closer together. Now they threatened China's banks and trade which will cause inflation in the west to skyrocket even more as there is no way the US can replace the products produced by China as they receive inexpensive energy and raw materials while the whole west pays much more. They no longer have any diplomatic skills instead using threats of sanctions, toppling governments and out right war, they can only revert to total chaos and convincing the public China is bad, Iran is bad, Russia is bad, Venezuela is bad,Syria is bad, etc, etc, etc. We are the NAZIS and have been a threat to everyone not following the narrative of let us "harvest" you. Hell even George Soros of all people has stated the "US is a threat to world peace" hence his goal of bringing the US to it knees but to create a one world government to replace the US. His agenda which is being implemented across the US and Europe is just as bad as the neocons push for more wars as the Soros controlled part of the US is being taken down. 

"The main obstacle of a stable and just world order is the United States"    George Soros

They are not only going after China, Russia, Iran, etc but after us also. 

Why Congress has a 7% Approval Rating – Corruption

The Vigilant Fox         X


Ron Paul Trashes Speaker Mike Johnson in Stunning New Monologue “Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is reported to have bragged to his colleagues about how easily Speaker Johnson gave Democrats everything they wanted and asked for nothing in return.” “In the worst example of bipartisanship, Johnson reached across the aisle, stiffed the Republican majority that elected him speaker, and pushed through a massive gift to the warfare corporate welfare state. After the House voted to send another $60 billion to notoriously corrupt Ukraine, members waved Ukrainian flags on the House floor and chanted, ‘Ukraine! Ukraine!’ While I find it distasteful and disgusting, in some ways, it seemed fitting.”

We are the enemy. When will people wake up and realize they do not represent us? They view us as the enemy never to be trusted – i.e., 702 they just authorized, and the 80,000 IRS agents are auditing not the rich but people under $200,000 because they do not have lawyers and accountants.

None of these people will fight in any wars but the people will. 

Apr 28, 2024 11:01
Iran’s Nightmares

That is not what Larry Johnson has been saying. He has said something did happen but Israel was stopped cold in its tracks, it appears, maybe.... It also appears the US was working with the Iranians to allow "some show of force" BEFORE Israel was able to mount any strike by sending in a few quad drones doing very little damage and stopping Israel when they tried to mount something, maybe.... This is why one of the people in the Parliament made the statement about how weak and ineffective the response was and called it "Lame". The US is desperate not to allow any escalation as they cannot afford a full blown war in the Middle East when their goals are China and trying to get the hell out of the Ukrainian mess. It appears the last flow of money was to actually "square up the books" with the DoD to replace all the weapons they sent to Ukraine, send a few ATACMS and then dump this all right in Europe's lap letting them absorb the massive costs in keeping Ukraine afloat. None of the weapons in the aid package are so called game changers which is a clear message that the US is finished at least for now as they supposedly are aiming at China which is why Yellen then Blinken are outright threatening them and they are not happy. This is supposedly why Macron went nuts wanting Europe to send in troops as he realizes they are on their own. The US is pissing off everyone. None of us smucks will probably ever know what really happened but Israel's own Parliament members are upset over a lack of response or are not being told like the rest of us something else went on and the US, Russia and the Israeli government are all keeping quiet. Lots of moving parts and with it lots of speculation.   


Through the eyes of   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6x06HLGk38&t=6s


23 April 2024 by Larry Johnson         https://sonar21.com/pepe-escobar-elaborates-on-source-claim-that-russia-shot-down-an-israeli-f-35/

 I am certain about one thing the news accounts about Israel’s failed attack on Iran last Thursday does not make sense. We do not have a good account of what happened. Was there a missile strike that Iran defeated? Or was it a small group of quadcopter drones that were shot down? It is not clear. What we do know is that the White House and the Pentagon made a big show of touting Israel’s attack — an attack that Israel now refuses to acknowledge. The breathless reports that kept the U.S. cable news channels churning for several hours then dried up. It became like a scene from the movie, Naked Gun, where Detective Drebin tried to persuade a crowd of onlookers that the explosions and smoke they were seeing was nothing. “Nothing to see here!”

Reminds me of CNN a few years back as there were fires in the background but the reporter claimed "Mostly peaceful protests". Didn't Obama say once when they were outed that "It appears we tortured some people" or something to that effect.