
Comment Score 121945

It's 1776 and George Washington is calling for volunteers.
Member since Friday Dec 11, 2020 - 3:40 AM

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Oct 22, 2024 1:09
Two Weeks Before The Meltdown Begins

Trump will win, and the media will spin the story that Trump stole it, so there'll be mass protests everywhere right after the election. 

Under the cover of the chaos, while state/local police and national guards are overwhelmed with handling the rioters, BLM and Antifa terrorists, armed with all the missing $Billions in Ukraine weapons, will do like the Bolshevik Revolution, and seize all government buildings and military bases and ports and critical infrastructure in a single night. 

They'll install radical liberals into power, replace the Supreme Court, arrest non-liberal Congressmen, rewrite the Constitution, and "fix" the stolen election, handing it to Kamala. 

Then the gun confiscations and FEMA camp roundups begin. 

They'll have the "objective" media supporting them the whole way. 

That's how it's going down. 

Oct 22, 2024 12:59
Two Weeks Before The Meltdown Begins

people look mentally challenged when they say Trump is going to convince Putin to withdraw Russian soldiers from Ukraine. 

Oct 22, 2024 12:58
Two Weeks Before The Meltdown Begins

You want your party to be in charge when the financial collapse happens because then you get to choose whose assets get confiscated and then arrest them when they protest after you take everything from them. 

In the upcoming collapse, only some/many will lose, not all, and the rest will profit, in wealth and power. 

Oct 22, 2024 12:55
Two Weeks Before The Meltdown Begins

Trump and Kamala are both Deep State charlatans. 

Trump has already been selected to provide division, entertainment and distraction for the masses. 

Oct 22, 2024 12:54
Two Weeks Before The Meltdown Begins

Trump is Deep State. 

Oct 22, 2024 12:53
Two Weeks Before The Meltdown Begins

Gotta put weight on the desire of corrupt Democrat election workers/programmers/harvesters to commit felonies and alter the vote count. 

That's like 85 points right there. 

The other 15, they just haven't gotten around to rigging yet. 

And the felony thing does matter, not because Trump will prosecute you, because he won't, but because the Democrat overlords will hang it over you and threaten you with it to do other illegal things for them. 

Oct 22, 2024 12:42
Two Weeks Before The Meltdown Begins

if Democrats actually wanted to win, they would have installed Mayor Butt-gagg or Mike Obama or Gavin Newsome. 

But they got orders to throw the election, so they installed cackling kamala. 

Oct 22, 2024 5:12
The Neo-Liberal Consensus Is Coming Apart

700,000,000 guns in private hands in America. 

The neo-liberal dream of global governance will shatter like water on rock. 

Oct 22, 2024 1:03
Ron Paul: Why Should We Fight Wars For Ukraine And Israel?

Ukraine and Israel are terrorist nations. 

If you support them, you are domestic enemies of America. 

Oct 22, 2024 12:55
Pentagon Chief Visits Ukraine, Unveils New Aid Package, Ahead Of US Election

Starting in 2014, USA/Kiev has attacked/invaded Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Belgorod and Kursk. 

Russia is simply defending its fellow Russians in historically Russian lands. 

The 1991 borders were drawn by Soviet Bolsheviks to spite average Russian Christians and bring them harm. 

USA/Kiev is the belligerent aggressor that started the war, Russia is simply intervening to put an end to all the evil being done by USA/Kiev. 

After USA/israel created isis, you know the US government is evil, USA is now the bad guy, thank Obama bin Biden for that. 

And as crazy as it sounds, now Christian Russia is the good guy. 

Things change fast, we must keep up, if your mind refuses to believe things change so quickly, just consider:

Reagan -> 1981 - 1989. 

Obama -> 2009 - 2017. 

America went from conservative to socialist in 20 years, the Cold War is over, but you've got a bunch of old geysers at RAND that still think its 1975 and Russia is still ruled by Soviet Bolsheviks. 

Oct 22, 2024 12:43
Pentagon Chief Visits Ukraine, Unveils New Aid Package, Ahead Of US Election

If Russia has to fight its way to take all of Ukraine, it will continue and attack NATO territory in rage and for revenge. 

If a deal is made for Russia to be given all of Ukraine, Russia will not attack NATO territory. 

Either way, Russia is taking all of Ukraine, what happens after gets decided now. 

Oct 22, 2024 12:38
Pentagon Chief Visits Ukraine, Unveils New Aid Package, Ahead Of US Election

Everyone i hate wants Ukraine to win. 

Therefore, i want Ukraine to lose, if for no other reason to spite the US Deep State uniparty. 

Oct 21, 2024 7:19
Time To Overwhelm Them With Thought-Crimes

Make a scene everywhere the tyrants try to make you bend the knee. 

Shout down their twisted narratives wherever you find them. 

Mass peaceful disobedience to tyrannical orders is the way to defeat the Deep State tyrants. 

Only the collective, disconnected, individual efforts of millions of patriots can save America. 

Do what you can, no effort is too small, even thoughts and prayers count, they are felt by and deeply inspire patriots going into dangerous situations. 

You are George Washington. 

Oct 21, 2024 7:14
Time To Overwhelm Them With Thought-Crimes


Oct 21, 2024 7:13
Time To Overwhelm Them With Thought-Crimes

The bloviating neo-con authoritarian tyrants fall back on the same old tired narrative of the U.S. being the beacon of light in a dark world, when it is the failing American empire spreading death, destruction, and disarray around the globe.

Articulated perfectly. 

Could not be more clear to the objective observer. 

Oct 21, 2024 7:10
Time To Overwhelm Them With Thought-Crimes

Flood the net with conspiracy theories, use AI if you have to, get the liberal responses from AI and say the opposite, use AI to cobble conspiracies together piecemeal, put out conspiracy documentaries with ominous background music. 

Oct 21, 2024 7:07
Time To Overwhelm Them With Thought-Crimes

Spread many "what if-then" ideas everywhere

You can't be wrong for questioning things. 

It's called brainstorming and bouncing ideas around. 

They'll break their narratives and make them freak out. 

Oct 21, 2024 3:55
FBI, Cyber Agency Issue ‘Disinformation’ Warning 2 Weeks Before Election

Classic legalese. 

"Misinformation" and "false narratives", "undermining confidence", "insurrection", whether from American citizens or foreign actors, are: 

1) Not defined in the US legal code, 

2) Not designated as crimes by the US government. 

So the way legalese works is these terms/phrases that sound like they have legal weight, but don't, only have power if you falsely believe they have legal consequences, which they don't, and allow it to alter your behavior in fear you'll be falsely accused of these non-crimes. 

It is illegal for the US government to falsely accuse American citizens of crimes, it is a gross abuse of power, pure tyranny, and could probably be classified under treason. 

So they accuse you of non-crimes that sound like crimes. 

The remedy is to wholly ignore them when they gaslight you. 

Oct 21, 2024 3:44
Bitcoin Is A Lot More Than Digital Gold: A Rebuttal To The ECB’s Crypto-Critical Research Paper

and the US dollar is backed by what? 

Oct 21, 2024 3:44
Bitcoin Is A Lot More Than Digital Gold: A Rebuttal To The ECB’s Crypto-Critical Research Paper

Cryptocurrencies are now prepared for the collapse of the US Dollar and SWIFT to facilitate global trade. 

When the US Dollar falls, cryptocurrencies will immediately get pegged to a barrel of oil, and to a lesser extent gold and silver and grain. 

Cash will be replaced by gold and silver coins and probably even laser-cut metal casino chips.