
"Go Back To Jersey, You Migrant-Hating Creep": NYC Mayor Heckled In Unusual Trip To Colombia

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by Tyler Durden
Sunday, Oct 08, 2023 - 07:45 PM

New York City Mayor Eric Adams made an unusual trip to Mexico, Ecuador, and Colombia this weekend, attempting to dissuade migrants from coming to supposedly 'sanctuary cities' in the US. Democrat mayors, like Adams, who months ago welcomed migrants with open arms, have made drastic U-turns on their immigration politics amid a flood of migrants. Now, the progressive mayor wants the migrants out, as well as other Democrats.

During Adams' visit to Central and South America, seemingly an effort by the Democrat party to address criticisms over their failed southern border policy - which many blame for the influx of undocumented immigrants and transforming some cities like NYC into a -world-like country, the mayor could not catch a break in Colombia and was heckled by protesters.

"Shame on you Eric Adams!" a man shouted in English at Adams in the port town of Necoclí, Colombia, according to New York Post

The man continued shouting: "It will increase the amount of violence against migrants across the United States!" The man referenced Adams' recent comments telling migrants they were not welcomed in the Big Apple. 

NYPost said a number of other protesters gathered at the port town with one person holding up a sign that read, "Go back to New Jersey, you migrant-hating creep."

Source: AP News

Adams told local media the migrant tour, led by Colombian officials and law enforcement, has given him a "true analysis" of the Darién Gap, a dangerous trail used by human smugglers to transport people from South America to the US.

A recent NBC News poll now finds voters favor Republicans over Democrats for dealing with immigrants. 

You know things are bad for the Democrats when Bill Clinton has to get on the radio and denounce NYC as a sanctuary city
