
Bill Maher: "Democrats Look Like Sanctuary City Hypocrites" 

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by Tyler Durden
Saturday, Oct 07, 2023 - 05:25 PM

"Real Time" host Bill Maher blasted President Biden and ultra-radical progressives for their massive policy U-turn on the southern border this week. He said border state Republicans who bused migrants to sanctuary metro areas (mainly in the Northeast) "called the Democrats' bluff about sanctuary cities," and the Democrats "look like sanctuary city hypocrites." 

"Here's how serious the situation is: You know, they've been busing the migrants to the cities now. They kind of called the Democrats' bluff about sanctuary cities, and they said oh, you love them so much? Here you go. And the cities don't like it so much. NYC Mayor Eric Adams said this is going to destroy our city ... Eric Adams … went to Mexico today. He's going to Mexico, Ecuador, and Colombia, I think door-to-door, no, really, just to tell people personally, we don't have room, I'm not kidding, don't come. That's pretty amazing. No, he's telling these people, we don't have room. This is New York City. Don't you know our catchphrase? We're the Little Apple. And our theme song, if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere, so go anywhere, don't come here," Maher said in his opening opening monologue on Friday evening. 

Maher continued, "The border crisis has become a national crisis. It was always something like oh, it's down there, and yes, it's bad. But it's - and now it's all over the country because they've been busing the migrants and so forth."

He said this all "feels like a disaster for the Democrats." 

The Biden administration's reversal to now support former President Trump's southern border wall comes as radical progressives, for years, called anyone who praised Trump's wall 'racist' and other terrible names. The policy U-turn by the president and radical leftists comes as it appears polling data is not moving in their favor ahead of the election cycle, as disastrous open border policies have transformed many metro areas into chaotic areas that resemble third-word-like conditions. 

... and you know it's bad for Democrats when Bill Clinton has to come out and oppose NYC's sanctuary city

or this... 

Maher said, "Trump today said he wants Biden to apologize because it looks like Biden was adopting his policy. This does not look good for the Democrats." 
